This VHDL post presents a VHDL code for a single-port RAM (Random Access Memory). The VHDL testbench code is also provided to test the single-port RAM in Xilinx ISIM. The RAM's size is 128x8 bit.

As shown in the figure above, the 128x8 single port RAM in VHDL has following inputs and outputs:
1. RAM_CLOCK: the clock signal for sequentially writing data to the single-port RAM.
2. RAM_DATA_IN: 8-bit input data to be written to RAM at the provided input address RAM_ADDR when it is enabled.
3. RAM_WR: Write enable signal for writing to RAM, only if RAM_WR = 1, RAM_DATA_IN is written to the RAM at the rising edge of the clock signal.
4. RAM_ADDR: 6-bit Address where 8-bit input data are written to and data are read out.
5. RAM_DATA_OUT: 8-bit output data read out from the provided input address RAM_ADDR.
VHDL code for the single-port RAM:
-- FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects -- VHDL project: VHDL code for a single-port RAM library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; -- A 128x8 single-port RAM in VHDL entity Single_port_RAM_VHDL is port( RAM_ADDR: in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Address to write/read RAM RAM_DATA_IN: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Data to write into RAM RAM_WR: in std_logic; -- Write enable RAM_CLOCK: in std_logic; -- clock input for RAM RAM_DATA_OUT: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) -- Data output of RAM ); end Single_port_RAM_VHDL; architecture Behavioral of Single_port_RAM_VHDL is -- define the new type for the 128x8 RAM type RAM_ARRAY is array (0 to 127 ) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- initial values in the RAM signal RAM: RAM_ARRAY :=( x"55",x"66",x"77",x"67",-- 0x00: x"99",x"00",x"00",x"11",-- 0x04: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x08: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x0C: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x10: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x14: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x18: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x1C: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x20: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x24: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x28: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x2C: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x30: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x34: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x38: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x3C: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x40: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x44: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x48: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x4C: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x50: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x54: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x58: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00",-- 0x5C: x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00", x"00",x"00",x"00",x"00" ); begin process(RAM_CLOCK) begin if(rising_edge(RAM_CLOCK)) then if(RAM_WR='1') then -- when write enable = 1, -- write input data into RAM at the provided address RAM(to_integer(unsigned(RAM_ADDR))) <= RAM_DATA_IN; -- The index of the RAM array type needs to be integer so -- converts RAM_ADDR from std_logic_vector -> Unsigned -> Interger using numeric_std library end if; end if; end process; -- Data to be read out RAM_DATA_OUT <= RAM(to_integer(unsigned(RAM_ADDR))); end Behavioral;
VHDL Testbench code for the single-port RAM:
-- FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects -- VHDL project: VHDL code for a single-port RAM LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL; -- VHDL testbench code for the single-port RAM ENTITY tb_RAM_VHDL IS END tb_RAM_VHDL; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_RAM_VHDL IS -- Component Declaration for the single-port RAM in VHDL COMPONENT Single_port_RAM_VHDL PORT( RAM_ADDR : IN std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); RAM_DATA_IN : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); RAM_WR : IN std_logic; RAM_CLOCK : IN std_logic; RAM_DATA_OUT : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); END COMPONENT; --Inputs signal RAM_ADDR : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal RAM_DATA_IN : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal RAM_WR : std_logic := '0'; signal RAM_CLOCK : std_logic := '0'; --Outputs signal RAM_DATA_OUT : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Clock period definitions constant RAM_CLOCK_period : time := 10 ns; BEGIN -- Instantiate the single-port RAM in VHDL uut: Single_port_RAM_VHDL PORT MAP ( RAM_ADDR => RAM_ADDR, RAM_DATA_IN => RAM_DATA_IN, RAM_WR => RAM_WR, RAM_CLOCK => RAM_CLOCK, RAM_DATA_OUT => RAM_DATA_OUT ); -- Clock process definitions RAM_CLOCK_process :process begin RAM_CLOCK <= '0'; wait for RAM_CLOCK_period/2; RAM_CLOCK <= '1'; wait for RAM_CLOCK_period/2; end process; stim_proc: process begin RAM_WR <= '0'; RAM_ADDR <= "0000000"; RAM_DATA_IN <= x"FF"; wait for 100 ns; -- start reading data from RAM for i in 0 to 5 loop RAM_ADDR <= RAM_ADDR + "0000001"; wait for RAM_CLOCK_period*5; end loop; RAM_ADDR <= "0000000"; RAM_WR <= '1'; -- start writing to RAM wait for 100 ns; for i in 0 to 5 loop RAM_ADDR <= RAM_ADDR + "0000001"; RAM_DATA_IN <= RAM_DATA_IN-x"01"; wait for RAM_CLOCK_period*5; end loop; RAM_WR <= '0'; wait; end process; END;
Simulation waveform for the single-port RAM in VHDL:

The simulation waveform shows the correct writing and reading operation of the single-port RAM in VHDL. The VHDL code for the single-port RAM is used for the 8-bit Microcontroller here.
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hi , i have two components one must be executed after another using ready , enable signals ,,how ?
ReplyDeleteCreate a finite state machine to control the data flow.
DeleteHi, Mr.Van Loi. Your projects is very good but it is difficult with me because some of projects which i haven't yet understand operational principle of it. So it only have code as not yet enough. I hope that you can more provide specification or operational priciple for each project. It's awesome. Many thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt is showing error on line 100