FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects

Non-linear Lookup Table Implementation in VHDL

In this VHDL project, a nonlinear lookup table which is used in hashing functions of the upcoming co-processor is implemented in VHDL.

The nonlinear operation which is used in hashing algorithm utilizes a parallel 4-bit nonlinear operation where the input nibble (4 bits) are mapped to another nonlinear 4-bit value. 

The nonlinear lookup operation unit is shown in the following figure:
Non-linear Lookup Table Implementation in VHDL

The details of the lookup table implementation are as follows:

Non-linear Lookup Table Implementation in VHDL

VHDL code for the nonlinear lookup table implementation:

library IEEE;
-- fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
-- VHDL project: VHDL implementation of Lookup Table
-- Non-linear Lookup Table Implementation in VHDL--
entity non_linear_lookup is
port (  LUTIN: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   LUTOUT: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end non_linear_lookup;

architecture Behavioral of non_linear_lookup is
signal MSN_in,LSN_in,MSN_out,LSN_out: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
MSN_in <= LUTIN(7 downto 4);
LSN_in <= LUTIN(3 downto 0);
SBOX_1: process(MSN_in) begin
case(MSN_in) is
 when "0000" => MSN_out <= "0001";
 when "0001" => MSN_out <= "1011";
 when "0010" => MSN_out <= "1001";
 when "0011" => MSN_out <= "1100";
 when "0100" => MSN_out <= "1101";
 when "0101" => MSN_out <= "0110";
 when "0110" => MSN_out <= "1111";
 when "0111" => MSN_out <= "0011";
 when "1000" => MSN_out <= "1110";
 when "1001" => MSN_out <= "1000";
 when "1010" => MSN_out <= "0111";
 when "1011" => MSN_out <= "0100";
 when "1100" => MSN_out <= "1010";
 when "1101" => MSN_out <= "0010";
 when "1110" => MSN_out <= "0101";
 when "1111" => MSN_out <= "0000";
 when others => MSN_out <= "0000";
end case;
end process;
SBOX_2: process(LSN_in) begin
case(LSN_in) is
 when "0000" => LSN_out <= "1111";
 when "0001" => LSN_out <= "0000";
 when "0010" => LSN_out <= "1101";
 when "0011" => LSN_out <= "0111";
 when "0100" => LSN_out <= "1011";
 when "0101" => LSN_out <= "1110";
 when "0110" => LSN_out <= "0101";
 when "0111" => LSN_out <= "1010";
 when "1000" => LSN_out <= "1001";
 when "1001" => LSN_out <= "0010";
 when "1010" => LSN_out <= "1100";
 when "1011" => LSN_out <= "0001";
 when "1100" => LSN_out <= "0011";
 when "1101" => LSN_out <= "0100";
 when "1110" => LSN_out <= "1000";
 when "1111" => LSN_out <= "0110";
 when others => LSN_out <= "0000";
end case;
end process;
LUTOUT <= MSN_out & LSN_out;
end Behavioral;

VHDL Testbench code for Nonlinear Lookup Table implementation:

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
-- VHDL project: VHDL implementation of Lookup Table
-- Testbench VHDL code for Lookup Table Implementation
ENTITY tb_lookuptable IS
END tb_lookuptable;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tb_lookuptable IS 
    -- Component Declaration for Lookup Table Implementation in VHDL
    COMPONENT non_linear_lookup
         LUTIN : IN  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
         LUTOUT : OUT  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)

   signal LUTIN : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');

   signal LUTOUT : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
 signal i: integer;
 -- Instantiate the Lookup Table Implementation
   uut: non_linear_lookup PORT MAP (
          LUTIN => LUTIN,
          LUTOUT => LUTOUT

   stim_proc: process
  LUTIN <= x"00";
  -- initialize 4-bit input data in VHDL testbench
      for i in 0 to 15 loop
   LUTIN <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 8));
  wait for 100 ns; 
  end loop;
   end process;


Simulation waveform for the nonlinear lookup table in VHDL:

Non-linear Lookup Table Implementation in VHDL
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