Tic Tac Toe Game in Verilog and LogiSim

Tic Tac Toe is a very popular paper-and-pencil game in a 3x3 grid for two players. The player who makes the first three of their marks in a diagonal, vertical, or horizontal row wins the game.

Today, fpga4student designs and implements the Tic Tac Toe game in Verilog and Logisim

Tic Tac Toe Game in Verilog and LogiSim

Firstly, the Tic Tac Toe game is designed and implemented in Logisim. However, let's define the rules for the game at first. In this game, a player plays the Tic Tac Toe game with a computer. When the player/ computer plays the game, a 2-bit value is stored into one of the nine positions in the 3x3 grid like Xs/ Os in the real paper-and-pencil version. 2'b00 is stored into a position when neither the player or computer played in that position. Similarly, 2'b01 (X) is the value to be stored when the player played in the position and 2'b10 (O) is the value to be saved when the computer played in the position. The player/ computer plays the game by pressing their corresponding button. Red/ Green LED is lit in a position when the position is played by the player/ computer respectively.

Consider the 3x3 grid table below as the order of the positions being played:

Tic Tac Toe Game in Verilog and LogiSim

The player/ computer wins the game when successfully placing three similar (01-Xs) or (10-Os) values in the following row pairs: (1,2,3); (4,5,6);(7,8,9); (1,4,7); (2,5,8);(3,6,9); (1,5,9);(3,5,7).

The winner detecting circuit is designed to find the winner when the above winning rule is matched. To detect an illegal move, a comparator is needed to check if the current position was already played by either the computer or player. Moreover, “No space” detector is to check if all the positions are played and no winner is found.

Tic Tac Toe Game in LogiSim

You can download the full Logisim design for the Tic Tac Toe game here.

Let's go for the Verilog code of the Tic Tac Toe game. To control the Tic Tac Toe game, a FSM controller is designed as follows.

Verilog code for the Tic Tac Toe game

1. IDLE(00): when waiting for the player/ computer to play or when resetting the circuit, the FSM is at the IDLE state.

2. PLAYER(01): The player turns to play and “01” to be stored into the decoded position.

3. COMPUTER(10): 
The computer turns to play and “01” to be stored into the decoded position.

4. Game_over(11): The game is finished when there is a winner or no more space to play.

Inputs of the controller of the Tic Tac Toe game:

a. Reset :

Reset = 1: Reset the game when in the Game_Over state.

Reset = 0: The game begins.

b. Play: 

Play = 1: When in the IDLE state, play = 1 is to switch the controller to the PLAYER state and the player plays.

Play =0: Stay in the IDLE state.

c. PC 

PC = 1: When in COMPUTER state, PC = 1 is to switch to the IDLE state and the computer plays. 

PC =0 : stay in COMPUTER state.

d. Illegal_move 

Illegal_move = 0: When in PLAYER state, Illegal_move = 0 is to switch to COMPUTER state and let computer plays when PC = 1.

Illegal_move = 1: Illegal moving from the player/ computer and switch to the IDLE state.
e. No_space 
No_space = 0: still have space to play, continue the game.
No_space = 1: no more space to play, game over, and need to reset the game before playing again.
f. Win
Win = 0: Still waiting for the winner
Win = 1: There is a winner, finish the game, and need to reset the game before playing again.

Verilog code for the Tic Tac Toe game:

// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for TIC TAC TOE GAME 
// Top level module  
module tic_tac_toe_game(
     input clock, // clock of the game 
     input reset, // reset button to reset the game 
     input play, // play button to enable player to play 
     input pc, // pc button to enable computer to play 
     input [3:0] computer_position,player_position, 
     // positions to play 
     output wire [1:0] pos1,pos2,pos3,
     // LED display for positions 
     // 01: Player 
     // 10: Computer 
     output wire[1:0]who 
     // who the winner is 
 wire [15:0] PC_en;// Computer enable signals 
 wire [15:0] PL_en; // Player enable signals 
 wire illegal_move; // disable writing when an illegal move is detected 
 //wire [1:0] pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9;// positions stored
 wire win; // win signal 
 wire computer_play; // computer enabling signal 
 wire player_play; // player enabling signal 
 wire no_space; // no space signal 
 // position registers    
  position_registers position_reg_unit(
      clock, // clock of the game 
      reset, // reset the game 
      illegal_move, // disable writing when an illegal move is detected 
      PC_en[8:0], // Computer enable signals 
      PL_en[8:0], // Player enable signals 
      pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9// positions stored
 // winner detector 
 winner_detector win_detect_unit(pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9,win,who);
 // position decoder for computer 
 position_decoder pd1(computer_position,computer_play,PC_en);
 // position decoder for player  
 position_decoder pd2(player_position,player_play,PL_en); 
 // illegal move detector
  illegal_move_detector imd_unit(
   PC_en[8:0], PL_en[8:0], 
 // no space detector 
 nospace_detector nsd_unit(
 fsm_controller tic_tac_toe_controller(
     clock,// clock of the circuit 
     reset,// reset 
     play, // player plays 
     pc,// computer plays 
     illegal_move,// illegal move detected 
     no_space, // no_space detected 
     win, // winner detected 
     computer_play, // enable computer to play 
     player_play // enable player to play 
// Position registers 
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// to store player or computer positions 
// when enabling by the FSM controller 
module position_registers(
      input clock, // clock of the game 
      input reset, // reset the game 
      input illegal_move, // disable writing when an illegal move is detected 
      input [8:0] PC_en, // Computer enable signals 
      input [8:0] PL_en, // Player enable signals 
      output reg[1:0] pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9// positions stored
 // Position 1 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos1 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos1 <= pos1;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[0]==1'b1)
    pos1 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[0]==1'b1)
    pos1 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos1 <= pos1;// keep previous position
 // Position 2 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos2 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos2 <= pos2;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[1]==1'b1)
    pos2 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[1]==1'b1)
    pos2 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos2 <= pos2;// keep previous position
// Position 3 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos3 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos3 <= pos3;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[2]==1'b1)
    pos3 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[2]==1'b1)
    pos3 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos3 <= pos3;// keep previous position
 // Position 4 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos4 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos4 <= pos4;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[3]==1'b1)
    pos4 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[3]==1'b1)
    pos4 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos4 <= pos4;// keep previous position
 // Position 5 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos5 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos5 <= pos5;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[4]==1'b1)
    pos5 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[4]==1'b1)
    pos5 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos5 <= pos5;// keep previous position
 // Position 6 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos6 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos6 <= pos6;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[5]==1'b1)
    pos6 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[5]==1'b1)
    pos6 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos6 <= pos6;// keep previous position
 // Position 7 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos7 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos7 <= pos7;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[6]==1'b1)
    pos7 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[6]==1'b1)
    pos7 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos7 <= pos7;// keep previous position
 // Position 8 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos8 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos8 <= pos8;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[7]==1'b1)
    pos8 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[7]==1'b1)
    pos8 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos8 <= pos8;// keep previous position
 // Position 9 
 always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
   pos9 <= 2'b00;
  else begin
    pos9 <= pos9;// keep previous position
   else if(PC_en[8]==1'b1)
    pos9 <= 2'b10; // store computer data 
   else if (PL_en[8]==1'b1)
    pos9 <= 2'b01;// store player data 
    pos9 <= pos9;// keep previous position
// FSM controller to control how player and computer play the TIC TAC TOE GAME 
// The FSM is implemented based on the designed state diagram 
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
module fsm_controller(
     input clock,// clock of the circuit 
     input reset,// reset 
     play, // player plays 
     pc,// computer plays 
     illegal_move,// illegal move detected 
     no_space, // no_space detected 
     win, // winner detected 
     output reg computer_play, // enable computer to play 
     player_play // enable player to play 
// FSM States 
parameter IDLE=2'b00;
parameter PLAYER=2'b01;
parameter COMPUTER=2'b10;
parameter GAME_DONE=2'b11;
reg[1:0] current_state, next_state;
// current state registers 
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) 
  current_state <= IDLE;
  current_state <= next_state;
 // next state 
always @(*)
 IDLE: begin 
  if(reset==1'b0 && play == 1'b1)
   next_state <= PLAYER; // player to play 
   next_state <= IDLE;
  player_play <= 1'b0;
  computer_play <= 1'b0;
  player_play <= 1'b1;
  computer_play <= 1'b0;
   next_state <= COMPUTER; // computer to play 
   next_state <= IDLE;
  player_play <= 1'b0;
  if(pc==1'b0) begin 
   next_state <= COMPUTER;
   computer_play <= 1'b0;
  else if(win==1'b0 && no_space == 1'b0)
   next_state <= IDLE;
   computer_play <= 1'b1;// computer to play when PC=1
  else if(no_space == 1 || win ==1'b1)
   next_state <= GAME_DONE; // game done 
   computer_play <= 1'b1;// computer to play when PC=1
 GAME_DONE:begin // game done
  player_play <= 1'b0;
  computer_play <= 1'b0; 
   next_state <= IDLE;// reset the game to IDLE 
   next_state <= GAME_DONE;  
 default: next_state <= IDLE; 
// NO SPACE detector
// to detect if no more spaces to play 
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
module nospace_detector(
   input [1:0] pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9, 
   output wire no_space
wire temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,temp7,temp8,temp9;
// detect no more space     
assign temp1 = pos1[1] | pos1[0];
assign temp2 = pos2[1] | pos2[0];
assign temp3 = pos3[1] | pos3[0];
assign temp4 = pos4[1] | pos4[0];
assign temp5 = pos5[1] | pos5[0];
assign temp6 = pos6[1] | pos6[0];
assign temp7 = pos7[1] | pos7[0];
assign temp8 = pos8[1] | pos8[0];
assign temp9 = pos9[1] | pos9[0];
// output
assign no_space =((((((((temp1 & temp2) & temp3) & temp4) & temp5) & temp6) & temp7) & temp8) & temp9);

// Illegal move detector
// to detect if a player plays on an exist position 
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
module illegal_move_detector(
   input [1:0] pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9, 
   input [8:0] PC_en, PL_en, 
   output wire illegal_move
wire temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6,temp7,temp8,temp9;
wire temp11,temp12,temp13,temp14,temp15,temp16,temp17,temp18,temp19;
wire temp21,temp22;
// player : illegal moving    
assign temp1 = (pos1[1] | pos1[0]) & PL_en[0];
assign temp2 = (pos2[1] | pos2[0]) & PL_en[1];
assign temp3 = (pos3[1] | pos3[0]) & PL_en[2];
assign temp4 = (pos4[1] | pos4[0]) & PL_en[3];
assign temp5 = (pos5[1] | pos5[0]) & PL_en[4];
assign temp6 = (pos6[1] | pos6[0]) & PL_en[5];
assign temp7 = (pos7[1] | pos7[0]) & PL_en[6];
assign temp8 = (pos8[1] | pos8[0]) & PL_en[7];
assign temp9 = (pos9[1] | pos9[0]) & PL_en[8];
// computer : illegal moving  
assign temp11 = (pos1[1] | pos1[0]) & PC_en[0];
assign temp12 = (pos2[1] | pos2[0]) & PC_en[1];
assign temp13 = (pos3[1] | pos3[0]) & PC_en[2];
assign temp14 = (pos4[1] | pos4[0]) & PC_en[3];
assign temp15 = (pos5[1] | pos5[0]) & PC_en[4];
assign temp16 = (pos6[1] | pos6[0]) & PC_en[5];
assign temp17 = (pos7[1] | pos7[0]) & PC_en[6];
assign temp18 = (pos8[1] | pos8[0]) & PC_en[7];
assign temp19 = (pos9[1] | pos9[0]) & PC_en[8];
// intermediate signals 
assign temp21 =((((((((temp1 | temp2) | temp3) | temp4) | temp5) | temp6) | temp7) | temp8) | temp9);
assign temp22 =((((((((temp11 | temp12) | temp13) | temp14) | temp15) | temp16) | temp17) | temp18) | temp19);
// output illegal move 
assign illegal_move = temp21 | temp22 ;
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// To decode the position being played, a 4-to-16 decoder with high active output is needed.
// When a button is pressed, a player will play and the position at IN [3:0] will be decoded
// to enable writing to the corresponding registers
module position_decoder(input[3:0] in, input enable, output wire [15:0] out_en);
 reg[15:0] temp1;
 assign out_en = (enable==1'b1)?temp1:16'd0;
 always @(*)
 4'd0: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000000001;
 4'd1: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000000010; 
 4'd2: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000000100;
 4'd3: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000001000;
 4'd4: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000010000;
 4'd5: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000100000;
 4'd6: temp1 <= 16'b0000000001000000;
 4'd7: temp1 <= 16'b0000000010000000;
 4'd8: temp1 <= 16'b0000000100000000;
 4'd9: temp1 <= 16'b0000001000000000;
 4'd10: temp1 <= 16'b0000010000000000;
 4'd11: temp1 <= 16'b0000100000000000;
 4'd12: temp1 <= 16'b0001000000000000;
 4'd13: temp1 <= 16'b0010000000000000;
 4'd14: temp1 <= 16'b0100000000000000;
 4'd15: temp1 <= 16'b1000000000000000;
 default: temp1 <= 16'b0000000000000001; 
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// winner detector circuit 
// to detect who the winner is 
// We will win when we have 3 similar (x) or (O) in the following pairs: 
// (1,2,3); (4,5,6);(7,8,9); (1,4,7); (2,5,8);(3,6,9); (1,5,9);(3,5,7); 
module winner_detector(input [1:0] pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7,pos8,pos9, output wire winner, output wire [1:0]who);
wire win1,win2,win3,win4,win5,win6,win7,win8;
wire [1:0] who1,who2,who3,who4,who5,who6,who7,who8;
winner_detect_3 u1(pos1,pos2,pos3,win1,who1);// (1,2,3);
winner_detect_3 u2(pos4,pos5,pos6,win2,who2);// (4,5,6);
winner_detect_3 u3(pos7,pos8,pos9,win3,who3);// (7,8,9);
winner_detect_3 u4(pos1,pos4,pos7,win4,who4);// (1,4,7);
winner_detect_3 u5(pos2,pos5,pos8,win5,who5);// (2,5,8);
winner_detect_3 u6(pos3,pos6,pos9,win6,who6);// (3,6,9);
winner_detect_3 u7(pos1,pos5,pos9,win7,who7);// (1,5,9);
winner_detect_3 u8(pos3,pos5,pos6,win8,who8);// (3,5,7);
assign winner = (((((((win1 | win2) | win3) | win4) | win5) | win6) | win7) | win8);
assign who = (((((((who1 | who2) | who3) | who4) | who5) | who6) | who7) | who8);
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// winner detection for 3 positions and determine who the winner is 
// Player: 01
// Computer: 10
module winner_detect_3(input [1:0] pos0,pos1,pos2, output wire winner, output wire [1:0]who);
wire [1:0] temp0,temp1,temp2;
wire temp3;
assign temp0[1] = !(pos0[1]^pos1[1]);
assign temp0[0] = !(pos0[0]^pos1[0]);
assign temp1[1] = !(pos2[1]^pos1[1]);
assign temp1[0] = !(pos2[0]^pos1[0]);
assign temp2[1] = temp0[1] & temp1[1];
assign temp2[0] = temp0[0] & temp1[0];
assign temp3 = pos0[1] | pos0[0];
// winner if 3 positions are similar and should be 01 or 10 
assign winner = temp3 & temp2[1] & temp2[0];
// determine who the winner is 
assign who[1] = winner & pos0[1];
assign who[0] = winner & pos0[0];

Verilog testbench code for the Tic Tac Toe game:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog testbench code for TIC TAC TOE GAME 

module tb_tic_tac_toe;

 // Inputs
 reg clock;
 reg reset;
 reg play;
 reg pc;
 reg [3:0] computer_position;
 reg [3:0] player_position;

 // Outputs
 wire [1:0] pos_led1;
 wire [1:0] pos_led2;
 wire [1:0] pos_led3;
 wire [1:0] pos_led4;
 wire [1:0] pos_led5;
 wire [1:0] pos_led6;
 wire [1:0] pos_led7;
 wire [1:0] pos_led8;
 wire [1:0] pos_led9;
 wire [1:0] who;

 // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
 tic_tac_toe_game uut (
 // clock
 initial begin
 clock = 0;
 forever #5 clock = ~clock;
 initial begin
  // Initialize Inputs
  play = 0;
  reset = 1;
  computer_position = 0;
  player_position = 0;
  pc = 0;
  reset = 0;
  play = 1;
  pc = 0;
  computer_position = 4;
  player_position = 0;
  pc = 1;
  play = 0;
  reset = 0;
  play = 1;
  pc = 0;
  computer_position = 8;
  player_position = 1;
  pc = 1;
  play = 0;  
  reset = 0;
  play = 1;
  pc = 0;
  computer_position = 6;
  player_position = 2;
  pc = 1;
  play = 0; 
  pc = 0;
  play = 0;   

Simulation Waveform for the Tic Tac Toe game:

Tic Tac Toe game in Verilog
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  1. For Logisim Tic_Tac_Toe_Symplify.circ file to run 'DFlip-flop.circ' file is required. Please upload the same.

    1. You dont need that to open the file. All the required libs are there in 1 single file.

    2. I don't know but it says 'DFlip-flop.circ' library file is missing(try running after downloading from the given dropbox link). So can you please reupload with the required library.

    3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ks55g60x0frdvx/DFlip-flop.circ?dl=0

    4. Hi @FPGA4student, can you please reopen the dropbox link or mail the files to debopamdey97@gmail.com

    5. Both files are available on the same link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s4cbs09cglpsmb2/AACghsMKz2E3vE_QuweRS3gQa?dl=0

  2. Can you guide or help making me understand how it works as I am unable to make this circuit work. Thank you.

  3. Can you guide me or help making me understand how this circuit works as I am unable to make this circuit work. Thank you.

  4. can you design snake game using verilog on FPGA

  5. I have a question how to learn designing in fpga?
    I've gone throught few tutorials, know how to program my fpga, I also know bit of logic circuits.
    My problem is i know how to design an cpu made of TTL, but I'm unable to translate it to fpga

  6. Can I send a link to how to implement it using the verilog fgpa " board" pls....this is emergency..😁


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