FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects

Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog (Part-3)

This project is to present the Verilog code for a 32-bit pipelined MIPS Processor. In part 2, I presented all the Verilog code for the single-cycle MIPS datapath. 

In this part, pipelined registers are added to complete the pipelined MIPS Processor. Verilog code for the complete 32-bit pipelined MIPS processor will be presented. 

Below is the complete data path for the 32-bit 5-stage pipelined MIPS Processor after adding Pipelined Registers, Forwarding Unit, Stall Control Unit, and Flush Control Unit to the single-cycle datapath. Forwarding, Stall Control, and Flush Control units are designed to solve data and control hazards in the pipelined MIPS processor. Following are the detailed explanation for the hazard-solving modules and the complete pipelined MIPS processor in Verilog.

verilog code for pipelined mips processor
Pipelined MIPS Processor Datapath
Forwarding Unit:
The Forwarding Unit is designed to solve the data hazards in pipelined MIPS Processor. The correct data at the output of the ALU is forwarded to the input of the ALU when data hazards are detected. Data hazards are detected when the source register (EX_rs or EX_rt) of the current instruction is the same as the destination register (MEM_WriteRegister or EX_WriteRegister) of the previous instruction.
verilog code for pipelined mips processor

Verilog code for Forwarding Unit:

`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Forwarding Unit
module ForwardingUnit(ForwardA,ForwardB,MEM_RegWrite,WB_RegWrite,MEM_WriteRegister,WB_WriteRegister,EX_rs,EX_rt);
output [1:0] ForwardA,ForwardB;
wire [1:0] ForwardA,ForwardB;
input MEM_RegWrite,WB_RegWrite;
input [4:0] MEM_WriteRegister,WB_WriteRegister,EX_rs,EX_rt;

// a= 1 if ( MEM_WriteRegister != 0 )
or #(50) orMEM_WriteReg(a,MEM_WriteRegister[4],MEM_WriteRegister[3],MEM_WriteRegister[2],MEM_WriteRegister[1],MEM_WriteRegister[0]);
CompareAddress CompMEM_WriteReg_EXrs(b,MEM_WriteRegister,EX_rs);
and #(50) andx(x,MEM_RegWrite,a,b);
// x=1 if ((MEM_RegWrite==1)&&(MEM_WriteRegister != 0)&&(MEM_WriteRegister==EX_rs))

// c= 1 if ( WB_WriteRegister != 0 )
or #(50) orWB_WriteReg(c,WB_WriteRegister[4],WB_WriteRegister[3],WB_WriteRegister[2],WB_WriteRegister[1],WB_WriteRegister[0]);
CompareAddress CompWB_WriteReg_EXrs(d,WB_WriteRegister,EX_rs);
and #(50) andy(y,WB_RegWrite,c,d);
// y=1 if ((WB_RegWrite==1)&&(WB_WriteRegister != 0)&&(WB_WriteRegister==EX_rs))

// ForwardA[1] = x; va ForwardA[0] = (NOT x). y ;
assign ForwardA[1] = x;
not #(50) notxgate(notx,x);
and #(50) NOTxANDy(ForwardA[0],notx,y);

// ForwardB 
CompareAddress CompMEM_WriteReg_EXrt(b1,MEM_WriteRegister,EX_rt);
CompareAddress CompWB_WriteReg_EXrt(d1,WB_WriteRegister,EX_rt);
and #(50) andx1(x1,MEM_RegWrite,a,b1);
and #(50) andy1(y1,WB_RegWrite,c,d1);

assign ForwardB[1] = x1;
not #(50) notx1gate(notx1,x1);
and #(50) NOTx1ANDy1(ForwardB[0],notx1,y1);
After adding the forwarding unit to solve the data hazard, the 2x32 to 32 multiplexers at the input of the ALU become 3x32 to 32 multiplexers.

Verilog code for the multiplexer:

`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// mux3x32to32
module mux3x32to32(DataOut,A,B,C,Select);
output [31:0] DataOut;
input [1:0] Select;
input [31:0] A,B,C;
wire [31:0] DataOut1,DataOut2;

mux2x32to32 muxAB(DataOut1,A,B, Select[1]);
mux2x32to32 muxCA(DataOut2,C,A, Select[1]);
mux2x32to32 muxABC(DataOut,DataOut1,DataOut2, Select[0]);

Next, Stall Control Unit is needed when data hazards occur and it needs to delay 1 cycle before forwarding.
Stall Control Unit:
Data hazards which needs stalling 1 cycle happen when the destination register (EX_rt) of the current reading memory instruction  is the same as the  source register (ID_rs or ID_rt) of the coming instruction in ID stage except for ID_rt of XORI and LW instructions (where Rt is the destination register not source register with XORI and LW). 
verilog code for pipelined mips processor
verilog code for pipelined mips processor

Verilog code for Stall Control Unit:

`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Stall Control 
module StallControl(PC_WriteEn,IFID_WriteEn,Stall_flush,EX_MemRead,EX_rt,ID_rs,ID_rt,ID_Op);
output PC_WriteEn,IFID_WriteEn,Stall_flush;
wire PC_WriteEn,IFID_WriteEn,Stall_flush;
input EX_MemRead,EX_rt,ID_rs,ID_rt;
input [5:0] ID_Op;
wire [4:0] EX_rt,ID_rs,ID_rt,xorRsRt,xorRtRt;
wire [5:0] xoropcodelw,xoropcodexori;
wire EX_MemRead;
//wire xoropcode1,xoroprt;
// write in behavior model
/*always @(EX_MemRead or EX_rt or ID_rs or ID_rt)
 if ((EX_MemRead==1)&&((EX_rt==ID_rs)||((EX_rt==ID_rt)&&(Opcode!= 6'b001110)&&(Opcode!= 6'b100011)))
  Stall_flush =1'b1;
  Stall_flush =1'b0;
// write in structural model
xor #(50) xorRsRt4(xorRsRt[4],EX_rt[4],ID_rs[4]);
xor #(50) xorRsRt3(xorRsRt[3],EX_rt[3],ID_rs[3]);
xor #(50) xorRsRt2(xorRsRt[2],EX_rt[2],ID_rs[2]);
xor #(50) xorRsRt1(xorRsRt[1],EX_rt[1],ID_rs[1]);
xor #(50) xorRsRt0(xorRsRt[0],EX_rt[0],ID_rs[0]);
or #(50) OrRsRt1(OrRsRt,xorRsRt[4],xorRsRt[3],xorRsRt[2],xorRsRt[1],xorRsRt[0]);
not #(50) notgate1(notOrRsRt,OrRsRt);
// neu EX_rt==ID_rs thi notOrRsRt = 1

xor #(50) xorRtRt4(xorRtRt[4],EX_rt[4],ID_rt[4]);
xor #(50) xorRtRt3(xorRtRt[3],EX_rt[3],ID_rt[3]);
xor #(50) xorRtRt2(xorRtRt[2],EX_rt[2],ID_rt[2]);
xor #(50) xorRtRt1(xorRtRt[1],EX_rt[1],ID_rt[1]);
xor #(50) xorRtRt0(xorRtRt[0],EX_rt[0],ID_rt[0]);
or #(50) OrRtRt1(OrRtRt,xorRtRt[4],xorRtRt[3],xorRtRt[2],xorRtRt[1],xorRtRt[0]);
not #(50) notgate2(notOrRtRt,OrRtRt);
// neu EX_rt==ID_rt thi notOrRtRt = 1
xor #(50) xoropcode5(xoropcodelw[5],ID_Op[5],1'b1);
xor #(50) xoropcode4(xoropcodelw[4],ID_Op[4],1'b0);
xor #(50) xoropcode3(xoropcodelw[3],ID_Op[3],1'b0);
xor #(50) xoropcode2(xoropcodelw[2],ID_Op[2],1'b0);
xor #(50) xoropcode1(xoropcodelw[1],ID_Op[1],1'b1);
xor #(50) xoropcode0(xoropcodelw[0],ID_Op[0],1'b1);
or #(50) oropcode1(ec1,xoropcodelw[5],xoropcodelw[4],xoropcodelw[3],xoropcodelw[2],xoropcodelw[1],xoropcodelw[0]);
// opcode != opcode[lw] xoropcodelw =1
xor #(50) xoropcod5(xoropcodexori[5],ID_Op[5],1'b0);
xor #(50) xoropcod4(xoropcodexori[4],ID_Op[4],1'b0);
xor #(50) xoropcod3(xoropcodexori[3],ID_Op[3],1'b1);
xor #(50) xoropcod2(xoropcodexori[2],ID_Op[2],1'b1);
xor #(50) xoropcod1(xoropcodexori[1],ID_Op[1],1'b1);
xor #(50) xoropcod0(xoropcodexori[0],ID_Op[0],1'b0);
or #(50) oropcode2(ec2,xoropcodexori[5],xoropcodexori[4],xoropcodexori[3],xoropcodexori[2],xoropcodexori[1],xoropcodexori[0]);
// opcode != opcode[xori] xoropcodexori =1

and #(50) and1(xorop,ec1,ec2);
and #(50) and2(xoroprt,xorop,notOrRtRt);
or #(50) OrEXIDRsRt(OrOut,notOrRsRt,xoroprt);
and #(50) AndCondition(Condition,EX_MemRead,OrOut);
// Condition =1 when stall is satisfied
not #(50) NotPC_WriteEn(PC_WriteEn,Condition);
not #(50) NotIFID_WriteEn(IFID_WriteEn,Condition);
buf #(50) bufStallflush(Stall_flush,Condition);
Flush Control Unit:
Flush Control Unit is designed to solve control hazards and it discards instructions in IF and ID stages when a jump instruction(J, JR, or BNE) performs.

Verilog code for Flush Control units:

// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Flush control signals 
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
module flush_block(
ID_RegDst,ID_ALUSrc, ID_MemtoReg,ID_RegWrite,ID_MemRead,ID_MemWrite,

output ID_RegDst,ID_ALUSrc,ID_MemtoReg,ID_RegWrite,ID_MemRead,ID_MemWrite,ID_Branch,ID_JRControl;
output [1:0] ID_ALUOp;
input flush,RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,JRControl;
input [1:0] ALUOp;

not #50 (notflush,flush);
and #50 and1(ID_RegDst,RegDst,notflush);
and #50 and2(ID_ALUSrc,ALUSrc,notflush);
and #50 and3(ID_MemtoReg,MemtoReg,notflush);
and #50 and4(ID_RegWrite,RegWrite,notflush);
and #50 and5(ID_MemRead,MemRead,notflush);
and #50 and6(ID_MemWrite,MemWrite,notflush);
and #50 and7(ID_Branch,Branch,notflush);
and #50 and8(ID_JRControl,JRControl,notflush);
and #50 and9(ID_ALUOp[1],ALUOp[1],notflush);
and #50 and10(ID_ALUOp[0],ALUOp[0],notflush);
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Discard instructions when needed
module Discard_Instr(ID_flush,IF_flush,jump,bne,jr);
output ID_flush,IF_flush;
input jump,bne,jr;
or #50 OR1(IF_flush,jump,bne,jr);
or #50 OR2(ID_flush,bne,jr);
Another hazard could happen at the Write Back Stage when writing and reading at the same address. The readout data may not be the correct writing data. To resolve this problem, a WB_Forward unit is designed to forward directly the correct writing data to the output data.
verilog code for pipelined mips processor

Verilog code for WB_Forward Unit:

`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Write Back Forwarding 
module WB_forward(ReadData1Out,ReadData2Out,ReadData1,ReadData2,rs,rt,WriteRegister,WriteData,RegWrite);
// WB Hazard: Reading data while writing 
// Solve Hazard at the WriteBack Stage
output [31:0] ReadData1Out,ReadData2Out;
input [31:0] ReadData1,ReadData2,WriteData;
input [4:0] rs,rt,WriteRegister;
input RegWrite;
wire ReadSourceRs,ReadSourceRt;
wire compOut1,compOut2;
// behavior model
always @(rs or rt or WriteRegister or WriteData or RegWrite)
 if ((RegWrite==1)&&(WriteRegister != 0)&&(WriteRegister==rs))
  ReadSourceRs = 1'b1; //Forwarding WriteData to ReadData1
  ReadSourceRs = 1'b0;
  if ((RegWrite==1)&&(WriteRegister != 0)&&(WriteRegister==rt))
  ReadSourceRt = 1'b1; //Forwarding WriteData to ReadData2
  ReadSourceRt = 1'b0;
// Structural model
or #(50) orWriteReg(orOut1,WriteRegister[4],WriteRegister[3],WriteRegister[2],WriteRegister[1],WriteRegister[0]);
CompareAddress Compare1(compOut1,WriteRegister,rs);
and #(50) andCondition1(ReadSourceRs,RegWrite,orOut1,compOut1);

CompareAddress Compare2(compOut2,WriteRegister,rt);
and #(50) andCondition2(ReadSourceRt,RegWrite,orOut1,compOut2);

mux2x32to32 muxReadData1( ReadData1Out,ReadData1,WriteData, ReadSourceRs);
mux2x32to32 muxReadData2( ReadData2Out,ReadData2,WriteData, ReadSourceRt);
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
module CompareAddress(equal,Addr1,Addr2);
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Compare Address
output equal;
wire equal;
input [4:0] Addr1,Addr2;
wire [4:0] Addr1,Addr2,xorAddress;
xor #(50) xorAddress4(xorAddress[4],Addr1[4],Addr2[4]);
xor #(50) xorAddress3(xorAddress[3],Addr1[3],Addr2[3]);
xor #(50) xorAddress2(xorAddress[2],Addr1[2],Addr2[2]);
xor #(50) xorAddress1(xorAddress[1],Addr1[1],Addr2[1]);
xor #(50) xorAddress0(xorAddress[0],Addr1[0],Addr2[0]);
or #(50) Orgate1(OrAddr,xorAddress[4],xorAddress[3],xorAddress[2],xorAddress[1],xorAddress[0]);
not #(50) notgate1(equal,OrAddr);

Now, we completed the Verilog code for all the necessary parts of the whole 32-bit pipelined MIPS Processor. 

Let's go for the top level Verilog code of the 32-bit pipelined MIPS Processor:

`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Top level Verilog code for 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor 
module MIPSpipeline(clk, reset);
input clk, reset;
wire [31:0] PC, PCin;
wire [31:0] PC4,ID_PC4,EX_PC4;
wire [31:0] PCbne,PC4bne,PCj,PC4bnej,PCjr; // PC signals in MUX
wire [31:0] Instruction,ID_Instruction,EX_Instruction; // Output of Instruction Memory
wire [5:0] Opcode,Function; // Opcode, Function

// Extend
wire [15:0] imm16; // immediate in I type instruction
wire [31:0] Im16_Ext,EX_Im16_Ext;
wire [31:0] sign_ext_out,zero_ext_out;
// regfile
wire [4:0] rs,rt,rd,EX_rs,EX_rt,EX_rd,EX_WriteRegister,MEM_WriteRegister,WB_WriteRegister;
wire [31:0] WB_WriteData, ReadData1, ReadData2,ReadData1Out,ReadData2Out, EX_ReadData1, EX_ReadData2;

// ALU
wire [31:0] Bus_A_ALU,Bus_B_ALU,Bus_B_forwarded;
wire [31:0] EX_ALUResult,MEM_ALUResult,WB_ALUResult;
wire ZeroFlag, OverflowFlag, CarryFlag, NegativeFlag,notZeroFlag;

wire [31:0] WriteDataOfMem,MEM_ReadDataOfMem,WB_ReadDataOfMem;

//Control signals 
wire RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,Jump,SignZero,JRControl;
wire ID_RegDst,ID_ALUSrc,ID_MemtoReg,ID_RegWrite,ID_MemRead,ID_MemWrite,ID_Branch,ID_JRControl;
wire EX_RegDst,EX_ALUSrc,EX_MemtoReg,EX_RegWrite,EX_MemRead,EX_MemWrite,EX_Branch,EX_JRControl;
wire MEM_MemtoReg,MEM_RegWrite,MEM_MemRead,MEM_MemWrite;
wire WB_MemtoReg,WB_RegWrite;
wire [1:0] ALUOp,ID_ALUOp,EX_ALUOp;
wire [1:0] ALUControl;
wire bneControl,notbneControl;
wire JumpControl,JumpFlush;
wire [1:0] ForwardA,ForwardB;
wire IF_flush,IFID_flush,notIFID_flush,Stall_flush,flush;
//shift left
wire [31:0] shiftleft2_bne_out,shiftleft2_jump_out; // shift left output
// PC Write Enable, IF/ID Write Enable
wire PC_WriteEn,IFID_WriteEn;

//====== PC register======
register PC_Reg(PC,PCin,PC_WriteEn,reset,clk);
Add Add1(PC4,PC,{29'b0,3'b100}); // PC4 = PC + 4

InstructionMem InstructionMem1(Instruction, PC);

// register IF/ID

register IFID_PC4(ID_PC4,PC4,IFID_WriteEn,reset,clk);
register IFID_Instruction(ID_Instruction,Instruction,IFID_WriteEn,reset,clk);
RegBit IF_flush_bit(IFID_flush,IF_flush, IFID_WriteEn,reset, clk);

//========= ID STAGE===========
assign Opcode = ID_Instruction[31:26];
assign Function = ID_Instruction[5:0];
assign rs = ID_Instruction[25:21];
assign rt = ID_Instruction[20:16];
assign rd = ID_Instruction[15:11];
assign imm16= ID_Instruction[15:0];

 // Main Control
Control MainControl(

 // Regfile
regfile Register_File(

// forward Read Data if Write and Read at the same time
WB_forward  WB_forward_block(ReadData1Out,ReadData2Out,ReadData1,ReadData2,rs,rt,WB_WriteRegister,WB_WriteData,WB_RegWrite);
 // Sign-extend
sign_extend sign_extend1(sign_ext_out,imm16);
 // Zero-extend
zero_extend zero_extend1(zero_ext_out,imm16);
 // immediate extend: sign or zero
mux2x32to32 muxSignZero( Im16_Ext,sign_ext_out,zero_ext_out, SignZero);

JRControl_Block JRControl_Block1( JRControl, ALUOp, Function);

Discard_Instr Discard_Instr_Block(ID_flush,IF_flush,JumpControl,bneControl,EX_JRControl);

or #(50) OR_flush(flush,ID_flush,IFID_flush,Stall_flush);
flush_block flush_block1(ID_RegDst,ID_ALUSrc,ID_MemtoReg,ID_RegWrite,ID_MemRead,ID_MemWrite,ID_Branch,ID_ALUOp,

//==========EX STAGE=========================
// thanh ghi ID/EX
register IDEX_PC4(EX_PC4,ID_PC4,1'b1,reset,clk);

register IDEX_ReadData1(EX_ReadData1,ReadData1Out,1'b1,reset,clk);
register IDEX_ReadData2(EX_ReadData2,ReadData2Out,1'b1,reset,clk);

register IDEX_Im16_Ext(EX_Im16_Ext,Im16_Ext,1'b1,reset,clk);
register IDEX_rs_rt_rd(EX_Instruction[31:0],ID_Instruction,1'b1,reset,clk);
assign EX_rs = EX_Instruction[25:21];
assign EX_rt = EX_Instruction[20:16];
assign EX_rd = EX_Instruction[15:11];
// 9 control signals via ID/EX
RegBit  IDEX_RegDst(EX_RegDst, ID_RegDst, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_ALUSrc(EX_ALUSrc, ID_ALUSrc, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_MemtoReg(EX_MemtoReg, ID_MemtoReg, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_RegWrite(EX_RegWrite, ID_RegWrite, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_MemRead(EX_MemRead, ID_MemRead, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_MemWrite(EX_MemWrite, ID_MemWrite, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_Branch(EX_Branch, ID_Branch, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_JRControl(EX_JRControl, ID_JRControl, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_ALUOp1(EX_ALUOp[1], ID_ALUOp[1], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  IDEX_ALUOp0(EX_ALUOp[0], ID_ALUOp[0], 1'b1,reset, clk);
//  Forwarding unit
ForwardingUnit Forwarding_Block(ForwardA,ForwardB,MEM_RegWrite,WB_RegWrite,MEM_WriteRegister,WB_WriteRegister,EX_rs,EX_rt);
// mux 3 x32 to 32 to choose source of ALU (forwarding)
mux3x32to32  mux3A(Bus_A_ALU,EX_ReadData1,MEM_ALUResult,WB_WriteData,ForwardA);
mux3x32to32  mux3B(Bus_B_forwarded,EX_ReadData2,MEM_ALUResult,WB_WriteData,ForwardB);
// mux 2x32 to 32 to select source Bus B of ALU
mux2x32to32 muxALUSrc( Bus_B_ALU,Bus_B_forwarded,EX_Im16_Ext, EX_ALUSrc);
// ALU Control
ALUControl_Block ALUControl_Block1( ALUControl, EX_ALUOp, EX_Im16_Ext[5:0]);
// EX_Im16_Ext[5:0] is function

// ALU
alu alu_block(EX_ALUResult, CarryFlag, ZeroFlag, OverflowFlag, NegativeFlag, Bus_A_ALU, Bus_B_ALU, ALUControl);

// mux 2x5 to 5 choose shift register is Rd or Rt
mux2x5to5 muxRegDst( EX_WriteRegister,EX_rt,EX_rd, EX_RegDst);

//==============MEM STAGE=================
// register EX/MEM
register EXMEM_ALUResult(MEM_ALUResult,EX_ALUResult,1'b1,reset,clk);
register EXMEM_WriteDataOfMem(WriteDataOfMem, Bus_B_forwarded,1'b1,reset,clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_MemtoReg(MEM_MemtoReg, EX_MemtoReg, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_RegWrite(MEM_RegWrite, EX_RegWrite, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_MemRead(MEM_MemRead, EX_MemRead, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_MemWrite(MEM_MemWrite, EX_MemWrite, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_WriteRegister4(MEM_WriteRegister[4], EX_WriteRegister[4], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_WriteRegister3(MEM_WriteRegister[3], EX_WriteRegister[3], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_WriteRegister2(MEM_WriteRegister[2], EX_WriteRegister[2], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_WriteRegister1(MEM_WriteRegister[1], EX_WriteRegister[1], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  EXMEM_WriteRegister0(MEM_WriteRegister[0], EX_WriteRegister[0], 1'b1,reset, clk);

 // Data Memory 
dataMem dataMem1(MEM_ReadDataOfMem, //data 
     MEM_ALUResult,       //address
     WriteDataOfMem,       //writedata
     MEM_MemWrite,        //writeenable
//==========WB STAGE====================
// register MEM/WB
register MEMWB_ReadDataOfMem(WB_ReadDataOfMem,MEM_ReadDataOfMem,1'b1,reset,clk);
register MEMWB_ALUResult(WB_ALUResult,MEM_ALUResult,1'b1,reset,clk);
RegBit  MEMWB_WriteRegister4(WB_WriteRegister[4], MEM_WriteRegister[4], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  MEMWB_WriteRegister3(WB_WriteRegister[3], MEM_WriteRegister[3], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  MEMWB_WriteRegister2(WB_WriteRegister[2], MEM_WriteRegister[2], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  MEMWB_WriteRegister1(WB_WriteRegister[1], MEM_WriteRegister[1], 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  MEMWB_WriteRegister0(WB_WriteRegister[0], MEM_WriteRegister[0], 1'b1,reset, clk);

RegBit  MEMWB_MemtoReg(WB_MemtoReg, MEM_MemtoReg, 1'b1,reset, clk);
RegBit  MEMWB_RegWrite(WB_RegWrite, MEM_RegWrite, 1'b1,reset, clk);

 // Select Data to WriteData for regfile
mux2x32to32 muxMemtoReg( WB_WriteData, WB_ALUResult, WB_ReadDataOfMem,WB_MemtoReg);

StallControl StallControl_block(PC_WriteEn,IFID_WriteEn,Stall_flush,EX_MemRead,EX_rt,rs,rt,Opcode);

//Jump,bne, JRs
 // bne: Branch if not equal
shift_left_2 shiftleft2_bne(shiftleft2_bne_out, EX_Im16_Ext);
Add Add_bne(PCbne,EX_PC4,shiftleft2_bne_out);
not #(50) notZero(notZeroFlag,ZeroFlag);
and #(50) andbneControl(bneControl,EX_Branch,notZeroFlag);
mux2x32to32  muxbneControl( PC4bne,PC4, PCbne, bneControl);
  // jump
shift_left_2 shiftleft2_jump(shiftleft2_jump_out, {6'b0,ID_Instruction[25:0]});
assign PCj = {ID_PC4[31:28],shiftleft2_jump_out[27:0]};

not #(50) notIFIDFlush(notIFID_flush,IFID_flush);
and #(50) andJumpFlush(JumpFlush,Jump,notIFID_flush);
not #(50) notbne(notbneControl,bneControl);
and #(50) andJumpBNE(JumpControl,JumpFlush,notbneControl);
mux2x32to32  muxJump( PC4bnej,PC4bne, PCj, JumpControl);

 // JR: Jump Register
assign PCjr = Bus_A_ALU;
mux2x32to32  muxJR( PCin,PC4bnej, PCjr, EX_JRControl);

Verilog Testbench code for the 32-bit pipelined MIPS Processor:

`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs
module MIPSStimulus();
// fpga4student.com: FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog 
// Testbench Verilog code for 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor 
parameter ClockDelay = 5000;

reg clk,reset;

MIPSpipeline  myMIPS(clk, reset);
initial clk = 0;
always #(ClockDelay/2) clk = ~clk;

   reset = 1;
  reset = 0;
To verify the operation of the pipelined MIPS processor, I created a piece of instructions which includes all the data and control hazards. The instructions are added to the instruction memory as shown in the following figure and then, run simulation in Modelsim. 
verilog code for pipelined mips processor
It is noted that the instructions need to be converted into binary data and saved in the "instr.txt" file. I converted the above sample instructions into binary data and provided in part 1
After that, just run the simulation in Modelsim, and check the simulation waveform and memory editor as well. Below are the correct simulation waveform in 24 clock cycles.
verilog code for pipelined mips processor
Simulation waveform for the first 12 cycles

verilog code for pipelined mips processor
Simulation waveform for the next 12 cycles
Leave a comment if you have any confusion or difficulty in simulation.

It is noted that you need to go through all the necessary parts( Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) to fully understand the process of designing the pipelined MIPS processor, and collect all the required Verilog code to be able to run the pipelined MIPS processor in simulation.
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Verilog VHDL Tool


  1. It is noted that the instructions need to be converted into binary data and saved in the "instr.txt"
    When I simulate, modelsim show me memory filled with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (dont care), it looks like isn't loading anything to the memory.I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Likely isnt the dispossition of the numbers in the .txt file. Maybe is because I'm intending to load file with $readmemb in another module which is not testbench?

    1. If you want to initialize the content of the data memory, create the "data.dat" file and add the readmem command to the data memory code to initialize it.
      Run the simulation for some time to see the results. Make sure you understand the instructions in the "instr.txt" file.

  2. I didn't see the PC module, so what about that ?

    1. http://www.fpga4student.com/2017/06/32-bit-pipelined-mips-processor-in-verilog-1.html
      It is provided in part 1 of the Pipelined MIPS processor.

    2. In datamemory module, I saw the $readmemh("data.dat".....), so what is the purpose of this ?, can you explain it for me ?

    3. It was commented already. It is used for reading data memory from a .dat file, just in case that you want to enter the memory content from .dat or .txt file to the data memory.

  3. I want to add exception and interupts into this cpu, what should I do from the beginning

    1. I want to know.You did about exception or interrupt ? You can help me. Thank you

  4. my waveform is not the same, it only has 3 entries. clk, reset and clockdelay. what's the reason?

  5. Can some one give the data.dat file format for the given program and instructions
