This project is to present the Verilog code for 32-bit 5-stage pipelined MIPS Processor.
In part 1, I presented the instruction set of the pipelined MIPS processor and partially provided the Verilog code for the single-cycle MIPS datapath as shown below. Now, continue on the design and Verilog code for the ALU of the MIPS processor.

Verilog code for 32-bit ALU:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Verilog code for ALU module alu(Output, CarryOut, zero, overflow, negative, BussA, BussB, ALUControl); output CarryOut,overflow,negative,zero; output [31:0] Output; input [31:0] BussA,BussB; input [1:0] ALUControl; wire lessthan; wire [31:0] crrout; alu1bit alu0(Output[0],crrout[0],BussA[0],BussB[0],ALUControl[1],lessthan,ALUControl); alu1bit alu1(Output[1],crrout[1],BussA[1],BussB[1],crrout[0],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu2(Output[2],crrout[2],BussA[2],BussB[2],crrout[1],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu3(Output[3],crrout[3],BussA[3],BussB[3],crrout[2],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu4(Output[4],crrout[4],BussA[4],BussB[4],crrout[3],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu5(Output[5],crrout[5],BussA[5],BussB[5],crrout[4],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu6(Output[6],crrout[6],BussA[6],BussB[6],crrout[5],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu7(Output[7],crrout[7],BussA[7],BussB[7],crrout[6],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu8(Output[8],crrout[8],BussA[8],BussB[8],crrout[7],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu9(Output[9],crrout[9],BussA[9],BussB[9],crrout[8],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu10(Output[10],crrout[10],BussA[10],BussB[10],crrout[9],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu11(Output[11],crrout[11],BussA[11],BussB[11],crrout[10],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu12(Output[12],crrout[12],BussA[12],BussB[12],crrout[11],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu13(Output[13],crrout[13],BussA[13],BussB[13],crrout[12],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu14(Output[14],crrout[14],BussA[14],BussB[14],crrout[13],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu15(Output[15],crrout[15],BussA[15],BussB[15],crrout[14],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu16(Output[16],crrout[16],BussA[16],BussB[16],crrout[15],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu17(Output[17],crrout[17],BussA[17],BussB[17],crrout[16],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu18(Output[18],crrout[18],BussA[18],BussB[18],crrout[17],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu19(Output[19],crrout[19],BussA[19],BussB[19],crrout[18],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu20(Output[20],crrout[20],BussA[20],BussB[20],crrout[19],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu21(Output[21],crrout[21],BussA[21],BussB[21],crrout[20],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu22(Output[22],crrout[22],BussA[22],BussB[22],crrout[21],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu23(Output[23],crrout[23],BussA[23],BussB[23],crrout[22],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu24(Output[24],crrout[24],BussA[24],BussB[24],crrout[23],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu25(Output[25],crrout[25],BussA[25],BussB[25],crrout[24],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu26(Output[26],crrout[26],BussA[26],BussB[26],crrout[25],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu27(Output[27],crrout[27],BussA[27],BussB[26],crrout[26],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu28(Output[28],crrout[28],BussA[28],BussB[28],crrout[27],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu29(Output[29],crrout[29],BussA[29],BussB[29],crrout[28],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu30(Output[30],crrout[30],BussA[30],BussB[30],crrout[29],1'b0,ALUControl); alu1bit alu31(Output[31],crrout[31],BussA[31],BussB[31],crrout[30],1'b0,ALUControl); not #(50) notcarry(notcr31,crrout[31]); // Carryout = Not carry out 31 if it is subtraction mux21 muxcarry31(CarryOut,crrout[31],notcr31,ALUControl[1]); xor #(50) xor5(overflow,crrout[30],crrout[31]); // SLT addsub add2(addsub31Out,crrout31,BussA[31],BussB[31],crrout[30],ALUControl[1]); xor #(50) xor6(lessthan,overflow,addsub31Out); assign negative = Output[31]; or #(50) or1(o1,Output[0],Output[1],Output[2],Output[3]); or #(50) or2(o2,Output[4],Output[5],Output[6],Output[7]); or #(50) or3(o3,Output[8],Output[9],Output[10],Output[11]); or #(50) or4(o4,Output[12],Output[13],Output[14],Output[15]); or #(50) or5(o5,Output[16],Output[17],Output[18],Output[19]); or #(50) or6(o6,Output[20],Output[21],Output[22],Output[23]); or #(50) or7(o7,Output[24],Output[25],Output[26],Output[27]); or #(50) or8(o8,Output[28],Output[29],Output[30],Output[31]); or #(50) or9(o9,o1,o2,o3,o4); or #(50) or10(o10,o5,o6,o7,o8); nor #(50) nor1(zero,o9,o10); endmodule `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs module alu1bit(result,crrout,a,b,carryin,less,ALUControl); output result,crrout; input a,b,carryin,less; input [1:0] ALUControl; addsub add1(addsubOut,crrout,a,b,carryin,ALUControl[1]); xor #(50) xor1(xorOut,a,b); mux21 mux2(xorlessOut,xorOut,less,ALUControl[1]); mux21 mux3(result,addsubOut,xorlessOut,ALUControl[0]); endmodule `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs module addsub(Out,cout,a,b,cin,select); input a,b,cin,select; output Out,cout; // the result and carry out not #(50) not1(notb,b); mux21 mux1(b1,b,notb,select); adder adder1(Out,cout,a,b1,cin); endmodule `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs module adder(sum,cout,a,b,cin); input a,b,cin; output cout,sum; // sum = a xor b xor cin xor #(50) (sum,a,b,cin); // carry out = a.b + cin.(a+b) and #(50) and1(c1,a,b); or #(50) or1(c2,a,b); and #(50) and2(c3,c2,cin); or #(50) or2(cout,c1,c3); endmodule `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs module mux21(O,A,B,sel); // sel = 0 thi O = A // sel = 1 thi O =B output O; input A,B,sel; not #(50) not1(nsel,sel); and #(50) and1(O1,A,nsel); and #(50) and2(O2,B,sel); or #(50) or2(O,O1,O2); endmodule
Verilog code for Data Memory:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Data Memory module dataMem(data, address, writedata, writeenable,MemRead,clk); input [31:0] address, writedata; input writeenable,MemRead, clk; output [31:0] data; reg [7:0] datamem[1023:0]; reg [31:0] temp; buf #1000 buf0(data[0],temp[0]), buf1(data[1],temp[1]), buf2(data[2],temp[2]), buf3(data[3],temp[3]), buf4(data[4],temp[4]), buf5(data[5],temp[5]), buf6(data[6],temp[6]), buf7(data[7],temp[7]), buf8(data[8],temp[8]), buf9(data[9],temp[9]), buf10(data[10],temp[10]), buf11(data[11],temp[11]), buf12(data[12],temp[12]), buf13(data[13],temp[13]), buf14(data[14],temp[14]), buf15(data[15],temp[15]), buf16(data[16],temp[16]), buf17(data[17],temp[17]), buf18(data[18],temp[18]), buf19(data[19],temp[19]), buf20(data[20],temp[20]), buf21(data[21],temp[21]), buf22(data[22],temp[22]), buf23(data[23],temp[23]), buf24(data[24],temp[24]), buf25(data[25],temp[25]), buf26(data[26],temp[26]), buf27(data[27],temp[27]), buf28(data[28],temp[28]), buf29(data[29],temp[29]), buf30(data[30],temp[30]), buf31(data[31],temp[31]); always @(posedge clk) if (writeenable) begin datamem[address]=writedata[31:24]; datamem[address+1]=writedata[23:16]; datamem[address+2]=writedata[15:8]; datamem[address+3]=writedata[7:0]; end always @(address or datamem[address] or datamem[address+1] or datamem[address+2] or datamem[address+3]) begin temp={datamem[address],datamem[address+1],datamem[address+2],datamem[address+3]}; end // initial // begin // $readmemh("data.dat", datamem); // end endmodule
Verilog code for Zero-Extension module:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Zero-Extension module zero_extend(zOut32,zIn16); output [31:0] zOut32; input [15:0] zIn16; assign zOut32 = {{16{1'b0}},zIn16}; endmodule
Verilog code of the Multiplexer for choosing Bus B ALU:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // mux2x32to32 module mux2x32to32( DataOut,Data0, Data1, Select); output [31:0] DataOut; // Data Out input [31:0] Data0, Data1; // Data In 1 and 2 input Select; // neu Select = 0 thi DataOut = Data0 // nguoc lai thi DataOut = Data1 mux2_1 mux0(DataOut[0],Data0[0],Data1[0],Select); mux2_1 mux1(DataOut[1],Data0[1],Data1[1],Select); mux2_1 mux2(DataOut[2],Data0[2],Data1[2],Select); mux2_1 mux3(DataOut[3],Data0[3],Data1[3],Select); mux2_1 mux4(DataOut[4],Data0[4],Data1[4],Select); mux2_1 mux5(DataOut[5],Data0[5],Data1[5],Select); mux2_1 mux6(DataOut[6],Data0[6],Data1[6],Select); mux2_1 mux7(DataOut[7],Data0[7],Data1[7],Select); mux2_1 mux8(DataOut[8],Data0[8],Data1[8],Select); mux2_1 mux9(DataOut[9],Data0[9],Data1[9],Select); mux2_1 mux10(DataOut[10],Data0[10],Data1[10],Select); mux2_1 mux11(DataOut[11],Data0[11],Data1[11],Select); mux2_1 mux12(DataOut[12],Data0[12],Data1[12],Select); mux2_1 mux13(DataOut[13],Data0[13],Data1[13],Select); mux2_1 mux14(DataOut[14],Data0[14],Data1[14],Select); mux2_1 mux15(DataOut[15],Data0[15],Data1[15],Select); mux2_1 mux16(DataOut[16],Data0[16],Data1[16],Select); mux2_1 mux17(DataOut[17],Data0[17],Data1[17],Select); mux2_1 mux18(DataOut[18],Data0[18],Data1[18],Select); mux2_1 mux19(DataOut[19],Data0[19],Data1[19],Select); mux2_1 mux20(DataOut[20],Data0[20],Data1[20],Select); mux2_1 mux21(DataOut[21],Data0[21],Data1[21],Select); mux2_1 mux22(DataOut[22],Data0[22],Data1[22],Select); mux2_1 mux23(DataOut[23],Data0[23],Data1[23],Select); mux2_1 mux24(DataOut[24],Data0[24],Data1[24],Select); mux2_1 mux25(DataOut[25],Data0[25],Data1[25],Select); mux2_1 mux26(DataOut[26],Data0[26],Data1[26],Select); mux2_1 mux27(DataOut[27],Data0[27],Data1[27],Select); mux2_1 mux28(DataOut[28],Data0[28],Data1[28],Select); mux2_1 mux29(DataOut[29],Data0[29],Data1[29],Select); mux2_1 mux30(DataOut[30],Data0[30],Data1[30],Select); mux2_1 mux31(DataOut[31],Data0[31],Data1[31],Select); endmodule
Verilog code for Sign Extension and Shift Left 2 Module:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Sign-Extension module sign_extend(sOut32,sIn16); output [31:0] sOut32; input [15:0] sIn16; assign sOut32 = {{16{sIn16[15]}},sIn16}; endmodule // Shift left 2 module module shift_left_2(Out32, In32); output [31:0] Out32; input [31:0] In32; assign Out32 = {In32[29:0],2'b00}; endmodule
Verilog code for the Multiplexer choosing write address:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // mux2x5to5 // Select Write Register module mux2x5to5( AddrOut,Addr0, Addr1, Select); output [4:0] AddrOut; // Address Out input [4:0] Addr0, Addr1; // Address In 1 and 2 input Select; mux21 mux0(AddrOut[0],Addr0[0],Addr1[0],Select); mux21 mux1(AddrOut[1],Addr0[1],Addr1[1],Select); mux21 mux2(AddrOut[2],Addr0[2],Addr1[2],Select); mux21 mux3(AddrOut[3],Addr0[3],Addr1[3],Select); mux21 mux4(AddrOut[4],Addr0[4],Addr1[4],Select); endmodule module mux2_1(O,A,B,sel); // sel = 0 : O = A // sel = 1 : O =B output O; input A,B,sel; not #(50) not1(nsel,sel); and #(50) and1(O1,A,nsel); and #(50) and2(O2,B,sel); or #(50) or2(O,O1,O2); endmodule
The Control signals of the Control unit are designed in the following table:

Verilog code for the Control Unit:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Control unit module Control( RegDst, ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemRead, MemWrite, Branch, ALUOp, Jump, SignZero, Opcode ); output RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,Jump,SignZero; output [1:0] ALUOp; input [5:0] Opcode; reg RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,Jump,SignZero; reg [1:0] ALUOp; always @(*) casex (Opcode) 6'b000000 : begin // R - type RegDst = 1'b1; ALUSrc = 1'b0; MemtoReg= 1'b0; RegWrite= 1'b1; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite= 1'b0; Branch = 1'b0; ALUOp = 2'b10; Jump = 1'b0; SignZero= 1'b0; end 6'b100011 : begin // lw - load word RegDst = 1'b0; ALUSrc = 1'b1; MemtoReg= 1'b1; RegWrite= 1'b1; MemRead = 1'b1; MemWrite= 1'b0; Branch = 1'b0; ALUOp = 2'b00; Jump = 1'b0; SignZero= 1'b0; // sign extend end 6'b101011 : begin // sw - store word RegDst = 1'bx; ALUSrc = 1'b1; MemtoReg= 1'bx; RegWrite= 1'b0; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite= 1'b1; Branch = 1'b0; ALUOp = 2'b00; Jump = 1'b0; SignZero= 1'b0; end 6'b000101 : begin // bne - branch if not equal RegDst = 1'b0; ALUSrc = 1'b0; MemtoReg= 1'b0; RegWrite= 1'b0; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite= 1'b0; Branch = 1'b1; ALUOp = 2'b01; Jump = 1'b0; SignZero= 1'b0; // sign extend end 6'b001110 : begin // XORI - XOR immidiate RegDst = 1'b0; ALUSrc = 1'b1; MemtoReg= 1'b0; RegWrite= 1'b1; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite= 1'b0; Branch = 1'b0; ALUOp = 2'b11; Jump = 1'b0; SignZero= 1'b1; // zero extend end 6'b000010 : begin // j - Jump RegDst = 1'b0; ALUSrc = 1'b0; MemtoReg= 1'b0; RegWrite= 1'b0; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite= 1'b0; Branch = 1'b0; ALUOp = 2'b00; Jump = 1'b1; SignZero= 1'b0; end default : begin RegDst = 1'b0; ALUSrc = 1'b0; MemtoReg= 1'b0; RegWrite= 1'b0; MemRead = 1'b0; MemWrite= 1'b0; Branch = 1'b0; ALUOp = 2'b10; Jump = 1'b0; SignZero= 1'b0; end endcase endmodule

Verilog code for ALU Control Unit:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // ALU Control unit module ALUControl_Block( ALUControl, ALUOp, Function); output [1:0] ALUControl; reg [1:0] ALUControl; input [1:0] ALUOp; input [5:0] Function; wire [7:0] ALUControlIn; assign ALUControlIn = {ALUOp,Function}; always @(ALUControlIn) casex (ALUControlIn) 8'b11xxxxxx: ALUControl=2'b01; 8'b00xxxxxx: ALUControl=2'b00; 8'b01xxxxxx: ALUControl=2'b10; 8'b10100000: ALUControl=2'b00; 8'b10100010: ALUControl=2'b10; 8'b10101010: ALUControl=2'b11; default: ALUControl=2'b00; endcase endmodule
Verilog code for JR Control Unit:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Control singals for JR instruction module JRControl_Block( JRControl, ALUOp, Function); output JRControl; reg JRControl; input [1:0] ALUOp; input [5:0] Function; wire [7:0] test; assign test = {ALUOp,Function}; always @(test) case (test) 8'b10001000 : JRControl=1'b1; default: JRControl=1'b0; endcase endmodule
Basically, we have done the Verilog code for the single-cycle MIPS Processor. In the next part, pipelined registers are added to the single-cycle datapath and make it become a pipelined MIPS Processor. Special designs such as forwarding, stall control, and flush control unit are needed to solve hazards in the pipelined MIPS Processor.
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can u send me all the 3parts of this program
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