FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects

Basic digital logic components in Verilog HDL

In this Verilog project, basic blocks in digital logic design such as D-Flip-Flop, adders, ALU, registers, memory, multiplexers, decoders, counters, etc.  are implemented in Verilog HDL for beginners.

Verilog code for MIPS processor

Verilog code for full adder:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for full adder
 module adder(sum,cout,a,b,cin);  
 input  a,b,cin;  
 output cout,sum;  
 // sum = a xor b xor cin  
 xor #(50) (sum,a,b,cin);  
 // carry out = a.b + cin.(a+b)  
 and #(50) and1(c1,a,b);  
 or #(50) or1(c2,a,b);  
 and #(50) and2(c3,c2,cin);  
 or #(50) or2(cout,c1,c3);  

Verilog code for D Flip Flop:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for Flip Flop
module D_FF (q, d, rst_n, clk,init_value);  
 output q;  //fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
 input d, rst_n, clk,init_value;  
 reg q; // Indicate that q is stateholding  
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)  
 if (~rst_n)  
 q <= init_value;     // On reset, set to 0  
 q <= d; // Otherwise out = d   


Verilog code for 4-bit counter:

 //fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for counters
module counter(count,enable,clk,rst_n);  
  input enable,clk,rst_n;  
  output reg[3:0] count;  
  always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)  
   if(~rst_n) counter <= 4'b0000;  
   else if(enable)  
    counter <= counter + 4'b0001;  
  end  //fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects

Verilog code for Linear Feedback Shift Register:

 //fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for Shift Register
module internal_xor_5_bit_lfsr(input clk, rst_n,   
                 input[4:0] S_initial,  
                 output[4:0] Sout);  
 wire [4:0] s_reg;  
 wire d_xor;  
 D_FF s0(.q(s_reg[0]), .d(s_reg[4]), .rst_n(rst_n), .clk(clk),.init_value(S_initial[0]));  
 D_FF s1(.q(s_reg[1]), .d(s_reg[0]), .rst_n(rst_n), .clk(clk),.init_value(S_initial[1]));  
 xor xor_u(d_xor,s_reg[1],s_reg[4]);  
 D_FF s2(.q(s_reg[2]), .d(d_xor), .rst_n(rst_n), .clk(clk),.init_value(S_initial[2]));  
 D_FF s3(.q(s_reg[3]), .d(s_reg[2]), .rst_n(rst_n), .clk(clk),.init_value(S_initial[3]));  
 D_FF s4(.q(s_reg[4]), .d(s_reg[3]), .rst_n(rst_n), .clk(clk),.init_value(S_initial[4]));  
 assign Sout = s_reg;  

Verilog code for ALU:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for ALU
module alu(       
      input          [15:0]     a,          //src1  
      input          [15:0]     b,          //src2  
      input          [2:0]     alu_control,     //function sel  
      output     reg     [15:0]     result,          //result       
      output zero  
 always @(*)  //fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
      3'b000: result = a + b; // add  
      3'b001: result = a - b; // sub  
      3'b010: result = a & b; // and  
      3'b011: result = a | b; // or  
      3'b100: begin if (a<b) result = 16'd1;  
                     else result = 16'd0;  
      default:result = a + b; // add  
 assign zero = (result==16'd0) ? 1'b1: 1'b0;  

Verilog code for multiplexer:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for multiplexer 
 module mux2x5to5( AddrOut,Addr0, Addr1, Select);  
 output [4:0] AddrOut; // Address Out  
 input [4:0] Addr0, Addr1; // Address In 1 and 2  
 input Select;  
 mux21 mux0(AddrOut[0],Addr0[0],Addr1[0],Select);  
 mux21 mux1(AddrOut[1],Addr0[1],Addr1[1],Select);  
 mux21 mux2(AddrOut[2],Addr0[2],Addr1[2],Select);  
 mux21 mux3(AddrOut[3],Addr0[3],Addr1[3],Select);  
 mux21 mux4(AddrOut[4],Addr0[4],Addr1[4],Select);  
 `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs  
 module mux2_1(O,A,B,sel);  
 // sel = 0 => O = A  
 // sel = 1 => O =B  
 output O;  
 input A,B,sel;  
 not #(50) not1(nsel,sel);  
 and #(50) and1(O1,A,nsel);   
 and #(50) and2(O2,B,sel);  
 or #(50) or2(O,O1,O2);  

Verilog code for register file:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for register file
 module register_file  
      input                    clk,  
      input                    rst,  
      // write port  
      input                    reg_write_en,  
      input          [2:0]     reg_write_dest,  
      input          [15:0]     reg_write_data,  
      //read port 1  
      input          [2:0]     reg_read_addr_1,  
      output          [15:0]     reg_read_data_1,  
      //read port 2  
      input          [2:0]     reg_read_addr_2,  
      output          [15:0]     reg_read_data_2  
      reg     [15:0]     reg_array [7:0];  
      // write port  
      //reg [2:0] i;  
      always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin  
           if(rst) begin  
                reg_array[0] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[1] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[2] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[3] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[4] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[5] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[6] <= 16'b0;  
                reg_array[7] <= 16'b0;       
           else begin  
                if(reg_write_en) begin  
                     reg_array[reg_write_dest] <= reg_write_data;  
      assign reg_read_data_1 = ( reg_read_addr_1 == 0)? 16'b0 : reg_array[reg_read_addr_1];  
      assign reg_read_data_2 = ( reg_read_addr_2 == 0)? 16'b0 : reg_array[reg_read_addr_2];  

Verilog code for instruction memory:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for instruction memory
 module instr_mem          // a synthesisable rom implementation  
      input     [15:0]     pc,  
      output wire     [15:0]          instruction  
      wire [3 : 0] rom_addr = pc[4 : 1];  
      /* lw     $3, 0($0) --   
           Loop:     slti $1, $3, 50  
           beq $1, $0, Skip  
           add $4, $4, $3   
           addi $3, $3, 1   
           beq $0, $0, Loop--  
      reg [15:0] rom[15:0];  
                rom[0] = 16'b1000000110000000;  
                rom[1] = 16'b0010110010110010;  
                rom[2] = 16'b1101110001100111;  
                rom[3] = 16'b1101110111011001;  
                rom[4] = 16'b1111110110110001;  
                rom[5] = 16'b1100000001111011; 
                rom[6] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[7] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[8] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[9] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[10] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[11] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[12] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[13] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[14] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
                rom[15] = 16'b0000000000000000;  
      assign instruction = (pc[15:0] < 32 )? rom[rom_addr[3:0]]: 16'd0;  

Verilog code for decoder:

//fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
// Verilog code for decoder
module decoder(WriteEn,RegWrite, WriteRegister);  
 input RegWrite;  
 input [4:0] WriteRegister;  
 output [31:0] WriteEn;  
 wire [31:0] OE; // Output Enable  
 dec5to32 dec(OE,WriteRegister);  
 assign WriteEn[0]=0;  
  and #(50) gate1(WriteEn[1],OE[1],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate2(WriteEn[2],OE[2],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate3(WriteEn[3],OE[3],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate4(WriteEn[4],OE[4],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate5(WriteEn[5],OE[5],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate6(WriteEn[6],OE[6],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate7(WriteEn[7],OE[7],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate8(WriteEn[8],OE[8],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate9(WriteEn[9],OE[9],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate10(WriteEn[10],OE[10],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate11(WriteEn[11],OE[11],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate12(WriteEn[12],OE[12],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate13(WriteEn[13],OE[13],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate14(WriteEn[14],OE[14],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate15(WriteEn[15],OE[15],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate16(WriteEn[16],OE[16],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate17(WriteEn[17],OE[17],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate18(WriteEn[18],OE[18],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate19(WriteEn[19],OE[19],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate20(WriteEn[20],OE[20],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate21(WriteEn[21],OE[21],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate22(WriteEn[22],OE[22],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate23(WriteEn[23],OE[23],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate24(WriteEn[24],OE[24],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate25(WriteEn[25],OE[25],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate26(WriteEn[26],OE[26],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate27(WriteEn[27],OE[27],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate28(WriteEn[28],OE[28],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate29(WriteEn[29],OE[29],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate30(WriteEn[30],OE[30],RegWrite);  
  and #(50) gate31(WriteEn[31],OE[31],RegWrite);  
 module andmore(g,a,b,c,d,e);  
  output g;  
  input a,b,c,d,e;  
  and #(50) and1(f1,a,b,c,d),  
 module dec5to32(Out,Adr);  
 input [4:0] Adr; // Adr=Address of register  
 output [31:0] Out;  
 not #(50) Inv4(Nota, Adr[4]);  
 not #(50) Inv3(Notb, Adr[3]);  
 not #(50) Inv2(Notc, Adr[2]);  
 not #(50) Inv1(Notd, Adr[1]);  
 not #(50) Inv0(Note, Adr[0]);  
 andmore a0(Out[0], Nota,Notb,Notc,Notd,Note); // 00000  
 andmore a1(Out[1], Nota,Notb,Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); // 00001  
 andmore a2(Out[2], Nota,Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Note); //00010  
 andmore a3(Out[3], Nota,Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a4(Out[4], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Note);  
 andmore a5(Out[5], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a6(Out[6], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a7(Out[7], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a8(Out[8],  Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Note);  
 andmore a9(Out[9],  Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a10(Out[10], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a11(Out[11], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a12(Out[12], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Note);  
 andmore a13(Out[13], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a14(Out[14], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a15(Out[15], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a16(Out[16], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Notd,Note);  
 andmore a17(Out[17], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a18(Out[18], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a19(Out[19], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a20(Out[20], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Note);  
 andmore a21(Out[21], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a22(Out[22], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a23(Out[23], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a24(Out[24], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Note);  
 andmore a25(Out[25], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a26(Out[26], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a27(Out[27], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]);  
 andmore a28(Out[28], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Note);  
 andmore a29(Out[29], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]);  
 andmore a30(Out[30], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Note);  
 andmore a31(Out[31], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); // 11111  

Verilog code for a 16-bit register:

 //fpga4student.com: FPga projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects
 // Verilog code for register 
module PC_Reg(PCOut,PCin,reset,clk);  
 output [31:0] PCOut;  
 input [31:0] PCin;  
 input reset,clk;  
 D_FF dff0(PCOut[0],PCin[0],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff1(PCOut[1],PCin[1],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff2(PCOut[2],PCin[2],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff3(PCOut[3],PCin[3],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff4(PCOut[4],PCin[4],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff5(PCOut[5],PCin[5],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff6(PCOut[6],PCin[6],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff7(PCOut[7],PCin[7],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff8(PCOut[8],PCin[8],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff9(PCOut[9],PCin[9],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff10(PCOut[10],PCin[10],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff11(PCOut[11],PCin[11],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff12(PCOut[12],PCin[12],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff13(PCOut[13],PCin[13],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff14(PCOut[14],PCin[14],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff15(PCOut[15],PCin[15],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff16(PCOut[16],PCin[16],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff17(PCOut[17],PCin[17],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff18(PCOut[18],PCin[18],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff19(PCOut[19],PCin[19],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff20(PCOut[20],PCin[20],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff21(PCOut[21],PCin[21],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff22(PCOut[22],PCin[22],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff23(PCOut[23],PCin[23],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff24(PCOut[24],PCin[24],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff25(PCOut[25],PCin[25],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff26(PCOut[26],PCin[26],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff27(PCOut[27],PCin[27],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff28(PCOut[28],PCin[28],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff29(PCOut[29],PCin[29],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff30(PCOut[30],PCin[30],reset,clk);  
 D_FF dff31(PCOut[31],PCin[31],reset,clk);  
Recommended Verilog projects:
2. Verilog code for FIFO memory
3. Verilog code for 16-bit single-cycle MIPS processor
4. Programmable Digital Delay Timer in Verilog HDL
5. Verilog code for basic logic components in digital circuits
6. Verilog code for 32-bit Unsigned Divider
7. Verilog code for Fixed-Point Matrix Multiplication
8. Plate License Recognition in Verilog HDL
9. Verilog code for Carry-Look-Ahead Multiplier
10. Verilog code for a Microcontroller
11. Verilog code for 4x4 Multiplier
12. Verilog code for Car Parking System
13. Image processing on FPGA using Verilog HDL
14. How to load a text file into FPGA using Verilog HDL
15. Verilog code for Traffic Light Controller
16. Verilog code for Alarm Clock on FPGA
17. Verilog code for comparator design
18. Verilog code for D Flip Flop
19. Verilog code for Full Adder
20. Verilog code for counter with testbench
21. Verilog code for 16-bit RISC Processor
22. Verilog code for button debouncing on FPGA
23. How to write Verilog Testbench for bidirectional/ inout ports
28. Verilog code for Decoder
29. Verilog code for Multiplexers
Verilog VHDL Tool


  1. their is an extra 1 in the inst_mem rom[2]

    1. Yes, you are right. Just an example, modify it to whatever you want.

  2. reg3 and reg4 ???? in register file
    where is it?

    1. That's only for debugging in simulation.
      You can easily add reg3 = reg_array[3] or reg4 = reg_array[4].
      You can commented it out in the top level code like John E if you don't want to see it in simulation.

  3. I just commented those out.
