FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects

32-bit Unsigned Divider in Verilog

In this project, a 32-bit unsigned divider is implemented in Verilog using both structural and behavioral models. The Verilog code for the divider is synthesizable and can be implemented on FPGA. 

verilog code for unsigned divider

Structural Verilog code for 32-bit unsigned divider:

 `timescale 1ns / 1ns  
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Verilog code for divider using structural modelling
 module div_structural(  
   input      clk,  
       input                     reset,  
   input      start,  
   input [31:0]  A,  
   input [31:0]  B,  
   output [31:0]  D,  
   output [31:0]  R,  
   output     ok ,   // =1 when ready to get the result   
       output err  
   wire       active;   // True if the divider is running  
   wire [4:0]    cycle;   // Number of cycles to go  
       wire [4:0] cycle_d;  
       wire [31:0]denom_d,work_d,result_d;  
   wire [31:0]   result;   // Begin with A, end with D  
   wire [31:0]   denom;   // B  
   wire [31:0]   work;    // Running R  
       wire start_n,clr,active_d;  
   // Calculate the current digit  
   wire [32:0]   sub = { work[30:0], result[31] } - denom;  
       assign err = !B;  
   // Send the results to our master  
   assign D = result;  
   assign R = work;  
   assign ok = ~active;  
       not n1(start_n,start);  
       or o1(clr,reset,start_n);  
       dff u1(.q(active), .d(active_d), .reset(clr), .clk(clk));  
       assign active_d = active ? ((cycle==0)?1'b0:active): 1'b1;  
       register_5 cycle_reg(cycle,cycle_d,1'b1,clr,clk);  
       assign cycle_d = active?(cycle-5'd1):5'd31;  
       register reg32_denom(denom,denom_d,1'b1,clr,clk);  
       assign denom_d = active?denom:B;  
       register reg32_work(work,work_d,1'b1,clr,clk);  
       assign work_d = active?((sub[32]==0)?sub[31:0]:{work[30:0], result[31]}):0;  
       register reg32_result(result,result_d,1'b1,clr,clk);  
       assign result_d = active==1 ?((sub[32]==0)?{result[30:0], 1'b1}:{result[30:0], 1'b0}):A;  
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Verilog code for divider using structural modelling module 
 RegBit(BitOut, BitData, WriteEn,reset, clk);  
 output BitOut; // 1 bit of register  
 input BitData, WriteEn;   
 input reset,clk;  
 wire d,f1, f2; // input of D Flip-Flop  
 wire reset;  
 and #(50) U1(f1, BitOut, (~WriteEn));  
 and #(50) U2(f2, BitData, WriteEn);  
 or #(50) U3(d, f1, f2);  
 dff DFF0(BitOut, d, reset, clk);  
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Verilog code for divider using structural modelling 
 module register_5(RegOut,RegIn,WriteEn,reset,clk);  
 output [4:0] RegOut;  
 input [4:0] RegIn;  
 input WriteEn,reset, clk;  
 RegBit     bit4 (RegOut[4], RegIn[4], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit3 (RegOut[3], RegIn[3], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit2 (RegOut[2], RegIn[2], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit1 (RegOut[1], RegIn[1], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit0 (RegOut[0], RegIn[0], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 // 32-bit register  
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Verilog code for divider using structural modelling
 module register(RegOut,RegIn,WriteEn,reset,clk);   
 output [31:0] RegOut;  
 input [31:0] RegIn;  
 input WriteEn,reset, clk;  
 RegBit     bit31(RegOut[31],RegIn[31],WriteEn,reset,clk);  
 RegBit     bit30(RegOut[30],RegIn[30],WriteEn,reset,clk);  
 RegBit     bit29(RegOut[29],RegIn[29],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit28(RegOut[28],RegIn[28],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit27(RegOut[27],RegIn[27],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit26(RegOut[26],RegIn[26],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit25(RegOut[25],RegIn[25],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit24(RegOut[24],RegIn[24],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit23(RegOut[23],RegIn[23],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit22(RegOut[22],RegIn[22],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit21(RegOut[21],RegIn[21],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit20(RegOut[20],RegIn[20],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit19(RegOut[19],RegIn[19],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit18(RegOut[18],RegIn[18],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit17(RegOut[17],RegIn[17],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit16(RegOut[16],RegIn[16],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit15(RegOut[15],RegIn[15],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit14(RegOut[14],RegIn[14],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit13(RegOut[13],RegIn[13],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit12(RegOut[12],RegIn[12],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit11(RegOut[11],RegIn[11],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit10(RegOut[10],RegIn[10],WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit9 (RegOut[9], RegIn[9], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit8 (RegOut[8], RegIn[8], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit7 (RegOut[7], RegIn[7], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit6 (RegOut[6], RegIn[6], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit5 (RegOut[5], RegIn[5], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit4 (RegOut[4], RegIn[4], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit3 (RegOut[3], RegIn[3], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit2 (RegOut[2], RegIn[2], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit1 (RegOut[1], RegIn[1], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 RegBit     bit0 (RegOut[0], RegIn[0], WriteEn,reset,clk);       
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 module dff (q, d, reset, clk);  
 output q;  
 input d, reset, clk;  
 reg q; // Indicate that q is stateholding  
 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)  
 if (reset)  
 q = 0;     // On reset, set to 0  
 q = d; // Otherwise out = d   

Behavioral Verilog code for 32-bit unsigned divider:

 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Verilog code for divider using behavioral modelling
 module Divide(  
   input      clk,  
       input                     reset,  
   input      start,  
   input [31:0]  A,  
   input [31:0]  B,  
   output [31:0]  D,  
   output [31:0]  R,  
   output     ok ,   // =1 when ready to get the result   
       output err  
   reg       active;   // True if the divider is running  
   reg [4:0]    cycle;   // Number of cycles to go  
   reg [31:0]   result;   // Begin with A, end with D  
   reg [31:0]   denom;   // B  
   reg [31:0]   work;    // Running R  
   // Calculate the current digit  
   wire [32:0]   sub = { work[30:0], result[31] } - denom;  
       assign err = !B;  
   // Send the results to our master  
   assign D = result;  
   assign R = work;  
   assign ok = ~active;
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects   
   // The state machine  
   always @(posedge clk,posedge reset) begin  
     if (reset) begin  
       active <= 0;  
       cycle <= 0;  
       result <= 0;  
       denom <= 0;  
       work <= 0;  
     else if(start) begin  
       if (active) begin  
         // Run an iteration of the divide.  
         if (sub[32] == 0) begin  
           work <= sub[31:0];  
           result <= {result[30:0], 1'b1};  
         else begin  
           work <= {work[30:0], result[31]};  
           result <= {result[30:0], 1'b0};  
         if (cycle == 0) begin  
           active <= 0;  
         cycle <= cycle - 5'd1;  
       else begin  
         // Set up for an unsigned divide.  
         cycle <= 5'd31;  
         result <= A;  
         denom <= B;  
         work <= 32'b0;  
         active <= 1;  

Verilog testbench code for Structural divider:

 `timescale 1ns / 1ns  
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Testbench Verilog code for divider using structural modelling
 module tb_div_structural;  
      // Inputs  
      reg clock;  
      reg reset;  
      reg start;  
      reg [31:0] A;  
      reg [31:0] B;  
      // Outputs  
      wire [31:0] D;  
      wire [31:0] R;  
      wire ok;  
      wire err;  
      // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)  
      div_structural uut (  
      initial begin   
            clock = 0;  
            forever #50 clock = ~clock;  
      initial begin  
           // Initialize Inputs  
           start = 0;  
           A = 32'd1023;  
           B = 32'd50;  
           // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish  
     start = 1;   

Verilog testbench code for Behavioral divider:

 `timescale 1ns / 1ns  
  // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
 // Verilog project: Verilog code for 32-bit divider 
 // Testbench Verilog code for divider using behavioral modelling
 module tb_divider;  
      // Inputs  
      reg clock;  
      reg reset;  
      reg start;  
      reg [31:0] A;  
      reg [31:0] B;  
      // Outputs  
      wire [31:0] D;  
      wire [31:0] R;  
      wire ok;  
      wire err;  
      // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)  
      Divide uut (  
      initial begin   
            clock = 0;  
            forever #50 clock = ~clock;  
      initial begin  
           // Initialize Inputs  
           start = 0;  
           A = 32'd1023;  
           B = 32'd50;  
           // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish  
     start = 1;   

Simulation waveform for the divider:

verilog code for unsigned divider

Synthesized RTL Schematic for the divider:

verilog code for unsigned divider

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Verilog VHDL Tool


  1. Please provide block diagram for 32 bit unsigned divider

    1. Sorry I don't have the block diagram. Try to search the division hardware.

  2. Hey u have any abstract or project report for 32 bit unsigned divider ??
