A Verilog source code for a traffic light controller on FPGA is presented. A sensor on the farm is to detect if there are any vehicles and change the traffic light to allow the vehicles to cross the highway. Otherwise, highway light is always green since it has higher priority than the farm.
Verilog code for traffic light controller:
// fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects // Verilog project: Verilog code for traffic light controller module traffic_light(light_highway, light_farm, C, clk, rst_n); parameter HGRE_FRED=2'b00, // Highway green and farm red HYEL_FRED = 2'b01,// Highway yellow and farm red HRED_FGRE=2'b10,// Highway red and farm green HRED_FYEL=2'b11;// Highway red and farm yellow input C, // sensor clk, // clock = 50 MHz rst_n; // reset active low output reg[2:0] light_highway, light_farm; // output of lights // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects reg[27:0] count=0,count_delay=0; reg delay10s=0, delay3s1=0,delay3s2=0,RED_count_en=0,YELLOW_count_en1=0,YELLOW_count_en2=0; wire clk_enable; // clock enable signal for 1s reg[1:0] state, next_state; // next state always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(~rst_n) state <= 2'b00; else state <= next_state; end // FSM always @(*) begin case(state) HGRE_FRED: begin // Green on highway and red on farm way RED_count_en=0; YELLOW_count_en1=0; YELLOW_count_en2=0; light_highway = 3'b001; light_farm = 3'b100; if(C) next_state = HYEL_FRED; // if sensor detects vehicles on farm road, // turn highway to yellow -> green else next_state =HGRE_FRED; end HYEL_FRED: begin// yellow on highway and red on farm way light_highway = 3'b010; light_farm = 3'b100; RED_count_en=0; YELLOW_count_en1=1; YELLOW_count_en2=0; if(delay3s1) next_state = HRED_FGRE; // yellow for 3s, then red else next_state = HYEL_FRED; end HRED_FGRE: begin// red on highway and green on farm way light_highway = 3'b100; light_farm = 3'b001; RED_count_en=1; YELLOW_count_en1=0; YELLOW_count_en2=0; if(delay10s) next_state = HRED_FYEL; // red in 10s then turn to yello -> green again for high way else next_state =HRED_FGRE; end HRED_FYEL:begin// red on highway and yellow on farm way light_highway = 3'b100; light_farm = 3'b010; RED_count_en=0; YELLOW_count_en1=0; YELLOW_count_en2=1; if(delay3s2) next_state = HGRE_FRED; // turn green for highway, red for farm road else next_state =HRED_FYEL; end default: next_state = HGRE_FRED; endcase end // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects // create red and yellow delay counts always @(posedge clk) begin if(clk_enable==1) begin if(RED_count_en||YELLOW_count_en1||YELLOW_count_en2) count_delay <=count_delay + 1; if((count_delay == 9)&&RED_count_en) begin delay10s=1; delay3s1=0; delay3s2=0; count_delay<=0; end else if((count_delay == 2)&&YELLOW_count_en1) begin delay10s=0; delay3s1=1; delay3s2=0; count_delay<=0; end else if((count_delay == 2)&&YELLOW_count_en2) begin delay10s=0; delay3s1=0; delay3s2=1; count_delay<=0; end else begin delay10s=0; delay3s1=0; delay3s2=0; end end end // create 1s clock enable always @(posedge clk) begin count <=count + 1; //if(count == 50000000) // 50,000,000 for 50 MHz clock running on real FPGA if(count == 3) // for testbench count <= 0; end assign clk_enable = count==3 ? 1: 0; // 50,000,000 for 50MHz running on FPGA endmodule
Testbench Verilog code for functional simulation
// fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project // Verilog project: Verilog code for traffic light controller `timescale 10 ns/ 1 ps // 2. Preprocessor Directives `define DELAY 1 // 3. Include Statements //`include "counter_define.h" module tb_traffic; // 4. Parameter definitions parameter ENDTIME = 400000; // 5. DUT Input regs //integer count, count1, a; reg clk; reg rst_n; reg sensor; wire [2:0] light_farm; // 6. DUT Output wires wire [2:0] light_highway; // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects // 7. DUT Instantiation traffic_light tb(light_highway, light_farm, sensor, clk, rst_n); // 8. Initial Conditions initial begin clk = 1'b0; rst_n = 1'b0; sensor = 1'b0; // count = 0; //// count1=0; // a=0; end // 9. Generating Test Vectors initial begin main; end task main; fork clock_gen; reset_gen; operation_flow; debug_output; endsimulation; join endtask task clock_gen; begin forever #`DELAY clk = !clk; end endtask task reset_gen; begin rst_n = 0; # 20 rst_n = 1; end endtask // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects task operation_flow; begin sensor = 0; # 600 sensor = 1; # 1200 sensor = 0; # 1200 sensor = 1; end endtask // 10. Debug output task debug_output; begin $display("----------------------------------------------"); $display("------------------ -----------------------"); $display("----------- SIMULATION RESULT ----------------"); $display("-------------- -------------------"); $display("---------------- ---------------------"); $display("----------------------------------------------"); $monitor("TIME = %d, reset = %b, sensor = %b, light of highway = %h, light of farm road = %h",$time,rst_n ,sensor,light_highway,light_farm ); end endtask // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog projects //12. Determines the simulation limit task endsimulation; begin #ENDTIME $display("-------------- THE SIMUALTION END ------------"); $finish; end endtask endmodule
Simulation results for the traffic light controller in Verilog:
TIME = 2000, reset = 1, sensor = 0, light of highway = 1, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 60000, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 1, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 60001, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 2, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 72211, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 1 TIME = 122011, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 2 TIME = 136951, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 1, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 136953, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 2, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 136955, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 1 TIME = 180000, reset = 1, sensor = 0, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 1 TIME = 186751, reset = 1, sensor = 0, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 2 TIME = 201691, reset = 1, sensor = 0, light of highway = 1, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 300000, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 1, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 300001, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 2, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 311251, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 1 TIME = 361051, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 2 TIME = 375991, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 1, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 375993, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 2, light of farm road = 4 TIME = 375995, reset = 1, sensor = 1, light of highway = 4, light of farm road = 1
Simulation Waveform for the traffic light controller in Verilog

VHDL code for Traffic light controller on FPGA
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May i know where is "counter define.h " file.