This project is to implement a parameterized multiplier using carry-look-ahead adders in Verilog. The Verilog code for the multiplier is provided.
Users can change the number of bits of the multiplier by modifying the predefined parameters. The parameters such as MULTICAND_WID and MULTIPLIER_WID are to define the number of bits of the multiplicand and multiplier, and when we want to change the number of bits, just change these parameters and re-synthesize or simulate.

Verilog code for Carry-Look-Ahead-Adder
`timescale 1ns/1ps `define DELAY #10 // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog code for carry look-ahead adder module cpu_wb_cla_adder (in1, in2, carry_in, sum, carry_out); parameter DATA_WID = 32; input [DATA_WID - 1:0] in1; input [DATA_WID - 1:0] in2; input carry_in; output [DATA_WID - 1:0] sum; output carry_out; //assign {carry_out, sum} = in1 + in2 + carry_in; wire [DATA_WID - 1:0] gen; wire [DATA_WID - 1:0] pro; wire [DATA_WID:0] carry_tmp; genvar j, i; generate //assume carry_tmp in is zero assign carry_tmp[0] = carry_in; //carry generator for(j = 0; j < DATA_WID; j = j + 1) begin: carry_generator assign gen[j] = in1[j] & in2[j]; assign pro[j] = in1[j] | in2[j]; assign carry_tmp[j+1] = gen[j] | pro[j] & carry_tmp[j]; end //carry out assign carry_out = carry_tmp[DATA_WID]; //calculate sum //assign sum[0] = in1[0] ^ in2 ^ carry_in; for(i = 0; i < DATA_WID; i = i+1) begin: sum_without_carry assign sum[i] = in1[i] ^ in2[i] ^ carry_tmp[i]; end endgenerate endmodule
Verilog Testbench code for Carry-Look-Ahead Adder
module cla_adder_tb(); parameter DATA_WID = 16; // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog testbench code for carry look ahead adder reg carry_in; // To cla1 of cla_adder.v reg [DATA_WID-1:0] in1; // To cla1 of cla_adder.v reg [DATA_WID-1:0] in2; // To cla1 of cla_adder.v // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // /*AUTOWIRE*/ wire carry_out; // From cla1 of cla_adder.v wire [DATA_WID-1:0] sum; // From cla1 of cla_adder.v // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // cla_adder cla1(/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .sum (sum[DATA_WID-1:0]), .carry_out (carry_out), // // Inputs .in1 (in1[DATA_WID-1:0]), .in2 (in2[DATA_WID-1:0]), .carry_in (carry_in)); initial begin in1 = 16'd0; in2 = 16'd0; carry_in = 1'b0; end // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects initial begin #(`DELAY) #(`DELAY) in1 = 16'd10; #(`DELAY) in1 = 16'd20; #(`DELAY) in2 = 16'd10; #(`DELAY) in2 = 16'd20; #(`DELAY) in2 = 16'd0; #(`DELAY*3) in1 = 16'hFFFF; in2 = 16'hFFFF; #(`DELAY*3) in1 = 16'h7FFF; in2 = 16'hFFFF; #(`DELAY*3) in1 = 16'hBFFF; in2 = 16'hFFFF; end endmodule
Finally, the Verilog and testbench code for the parameterized carry look-ahead multiplier.
Verilog code for the Multiplier using carry-look-ahead adders:
`timescale 1ns/1ps `define DELAY 10 // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: Verilog code for multiplier using carry-look-ahead adders module cpu_wb_cla_multiplier (multicand, multiplier, product); parameter MULTICAND_WID = 32; parameter MULTIPLIER_WID = 32; input [MULTICAND_WID-1:0] multicand; input [MULTIPLIER_WID-1:0] multiplier; output [(MULTICAND_WID + MULTIPLIER_WID - 1):0] product; wire [MULTICAND_WID - 1:0] multicand_tmp [MULTIPLIER_WID-1:0]; wire [MULTICAND_WID - 1:0] product_tmp [MULTIPLIER_WID-1:0]; wire [MULTIPLIER_WID -1:0] carry_tmp; // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects genvar i, j; generate //initialize values for(j = 0; j < MULTIPLIER_WID; j = j + 1) begin: for_loop_j assign multicand_tmp[j] = multicand & {MULTICAND_WID{multiplier[j]}}; end assign product_tmp[0] = multicand_tmp[0]; assign carry_tmp[0] = 1'b0; assign product[0] = product_tmp[0][0]; // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects for(i = 1; i < MULTIPLIER_WID; i = i + 1) begin: for_loop_i cpu_wb_cla_adder #(.DATA_WID(MULTIPLIER_WID)) add1 ( // Outputs .sum(product_tmp[i]), .carry_out(carry_tmp[i]), // Inputs .carry_in(1'b0), .in1(multicand_tmp[i]), .in2({carry_tmp[i-1],product_tmp[i-1][31-:31]})); assign product[i] = product_tmp[i][0]; end //end for loop assign product[(MULTIPLIER_WID+MULTIPLIER_WID-1):MULTIPLIER_WID] = {carry_tmp[MULTIPLIER_WID-1],product_tmp[MULTIPLIER_WID-1][31-:31]}; endgenerate endmodule
Verilog testbench code for the Multiplier:
// Verilog project: Verilog code for multiplier using carry look ahead adder // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects module cla_multiplier_tb(); parameter MULTICAND_WID = 32; parameter MULTIPLIER_WID = 32; // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // /*AUTOREGINPUT*/ // Beginning of automatic reg inputs (for undeclared instantiated-module inputs) reg [MULTICAND_WID-1:0] multicand; // To mul1 of cla_multiplier.v reg [MULTIPLIER_WID-1:0]multiplier; // To mul1 of cla_multiplier.v // End of automatics /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [(MULTICAND_WID+MULTIPLIER_WID-1):0]product;// From mul1 of cla_multiplier.v // End of automatics cpu_wb_cla_multiplier mul1(/*AUTOINST*/ // // Outputs .product (product[(MULTICAND_WID+MULTIPLIER_WID-1):0]), // // Inputs .multicand (multicand[MULTICAND_WID-1:0]), .multiplier (multiplier[MULTIPLIER_WID-1:0])); //initial begin // multicand = 16'd0; // multiplier = 8'd0; // end // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects integer i; initial begin for (i = 0; i < 30; i = i + 1) begin: W #(`DELAY) multicand = multicand + 1; multiplier = multiplier + 1; end #(`DELAY) //correct multicand = 32'h00007FFF; multiplier = 32'h0000007F; #(`DELAY) //correct multicand = 32'h00008000; multiplier = 32'h000000F0; #(`DELAY) //faila multicand = 32'h00008FF0; multiplier = 32'h000000F0; #(`DELAY) //correct multicand = 32'h00007FF0; multiplier = 32'h000000F7; #(`DELAY) //correct multicand = 32'h0000FFFF; multiplier = 32'h000000FF; end // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects endmodule
Simulation results for the Verilog multiplier:

The Verilog code for the parameterized multiplier is synthesizable and can be implemented on FPGA for verification.
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Thanks. Please keep updating the blog:
ReplyDeleteDo you have code for divider in Verilog ? Thanks.
Please check this:
ReplyDeleteVerilog code for divider
Hi. Do you have code for booth encoded multiplier ?
ReplyDeleteNo. But you can refer to this as a reference:
Hi. Is there any way that we can do shift and add multiplier using Carry Look-Ahead Adder and Ripple Carry Adder?
ReplyDeleteCheck the shift/add multiplier in Verilog below:
i get the error :
ReplyDeleteMacro `DELAY is undefined.
while compiling....
Include this `define DELAY #10 before every module.
Deletei am new to verilog and i want to understand the algorithm and logic used in this code... can you help me?
ReplyDeleteThese are normal carry look ahead adder and multiplier architectures. You can easily find the lecture on Google pdf.
DeleteI dont understand how the shifting operation is done in this algorithm because thats how you multiply normally...i searched a lot in google..can you give me some reference to where i can look into the algorithm used in this code
DeleteIt is like when you perform the multiplication in math. You multiply and add. That's how it works in this code.
DeletePlease share the reference to this algorithm used for multiplication
ReplyDeleteverilog code for carry look ahead adder is showing successfully syntax is correct but simulation is not displaying. Why?