Verilog code for Alarm clock on FPGA

Verilog code for an alarm clock on FPGA is presented in this project. The Verilog code is fully synthesizable for FPGA implementation. 

The simple alarm clock is shown in the following figure. The alarm clock outputs a real-time clock with a 24-hour format and also provides an alarm feature. Users also can set the clock time through switches. 
Verilog code for Alarm clock on FPGA

Full Verilog code for the alarm clock:

// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
module aclock (
 input reset,  /* Active high reset pulse, to set the time to the input hour and minute (as defined by the H_in1, H_in0, M_in1, and M_in0 inputs) and the second to 00. It should also set the alarm value to 0.00.00, and to set the Alarm (output) low.For normal operation, this input pin should be 0*/
 input clk,  /* A 10Hz input clock. This should be used to generate each real-time second*/
 input [1:0] H_in1, /*A 2-bit input used to set the most significant hour digit of the clock (if LD_time=1),or the most significant hour digit of the alarm (if LD_alarm=1). Valid values are 0 to 2. */ 
 input [3:0] H_in0, /* A 4-bit input used to set the least significant hour digit of the clock (if LD_time=1),or the least significant hour digit of the alarm (if LD_alarm=1). Valid values are 0 to 9.*/
 input [3:0] M_in1, /*A 4-bit input used to set the most significant minute digit of the clock (if LD_time=1),or the most significant minute digit of the alarm (if LD_alarm=1). Valid values are 0 to 5.*/
 input [3:0] M_in0, /*A 4-bit input used to set the least significant minute digit of the clock (if LD_time=1),or the least significant minute digit of the alarm (if LD_alarm=1). Valid values are 0 to 9. */
 input LD_time,  /* If LD_time=1, the time should be set to the values on the inputs H_in1, H_in0, M_in1, and M_in0. The second time should be set to 0.If LD_time=0, the clock should act normally (i.e. second should be incremented every 10 clock cycles).*/
 input   LD_alarm,  /* If LD_alarm=1, the alarm time should be set to the values on the inputs H_in1, H_in0, M_in1, and M_in0.If LD_alarm=0, the clock should act normally.*/ 
 input   STOP_al,  /* If the Alarm (output) is high, then STOP_al=1 will bring the output back low. */ 
 input   AL_ON,  /* If high, the alarm is ON (and Alarm will go high if the alarm time equals the real time). If low the the alarm function is OFF. */
 output reg Alarm,  /* This will go high if the alarm time equals the current time, and AL_ON is high. This will remain high, until STOP_al goes high, which will bring Alarm back low.*/
 output [1:0]  H_out1, 
/* The most significant digit of the hour. Valid values are 0 to 2. */
 output [3:0]  H_out0, 
/* The least significant digit of the hour. Valid values are 0 to 9. */
 output [3:0]  M_out1, 
/* The most significant digit of the minute. Valid values are 0 to 5.*/
 output [3:0]  M_out0, /* The least significant digit of the minute. Valid values are 0 to 9. */
 output [3:0]  S_out1, /* The most significant digit of the minute. Valid values are 0 to 5. */
 output [3:0]  S_out0  /* The least significant digit of the minute. Valid values are 0 to 9. */
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 // internal signal
 reg clk_1s; // 1-s clock
 reg [3:0] tmp_1s; // count for creating 1-s clock 
 reg [5:0] tmp_hour, tmp_minute, tmp_second; 
// counter for clock hour, minute and second
 reg [1:0] c_hour1,a_hour1; 
/* The most significant hour digit of the temp clock and alarm. */ 
 reg [3:0] c_hour0,a_hour0;
/* The least significant hour digit of the temp clock and alarm. */ 
 reg [3:0] c_min1,a_min1;
/* The most significant minute digit of the temp clock and alarm.*/ 
 reg [3:0] c_min0,a_min0;
/* The least significant minute digit of the temp clock and alarm.*/ 
 reg [3:0] c_sec1,a_sec1;
/* The most significant second digit of the temp clock and alarm.*/ 
 reg [3:0] c_sec0,a_sec0;
/* The least significant minute digit of the temp clock and alarm.*/ 
 /*****************function mod10******************/
 function [3:0] mod_10;
 input [5:0] number;
 mod_10 = (number >=50) ? 5 : ((number >= 40)? 4 :((number >= 30)? 3 :((number >= 20)? 2 :((number >= 10)? 1 :0))));
 /************* Clock operation**************/
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 always @(posedge clk_1s or posedge reset )
 if(reset) begin // reset high => alarm time to 00.00.00, alarm to low, clock to H_in and M_in and S to 00
 a_hour1 <= 2'b00;
 a_hour0 <= 4'b0000;
 a_min1 <= 4'b0000;
 a_min0 <= 4'b0000;
 a_sec1 <= 4'b0000;
 a_sec0 <= 4'b0000;
 tmp_hour <= H_in1*10 + H_in0;
 tmp_minute <= M_in1*10 + M_in0;
 tmp_second <= 0;
 else begin
 if(LD_alarm) begin // LD_alarm =1 => set alarm clock to H_in, M_in
 a_hour1 <= H_in1;
 a_hour0 <= H_in0;
 a_min1 <= M_in1;
 a_min0 <= M_in0;
 a_sec1 <= 4'b0000;
 a_sec0 <= 4'b0000;
 if(LD_time) begin // LD_time =1 => set time to H_in, M_in
 tmp_hour <= H_in1*10 + H_in0;
 tmp_minute <= M_in1*10 + M_in0;
 tmp_second <= 0;
 else begin  // LD_time =0 , clock operates normally
 tmp_second <= tmp_second + 1;
 if(tmp_second >=59) begin // second > 59 then minute increases
 tmp_minute <= tmp_minute + 1;
 tmp_second <= 0;
 if(tmp_minute >=59) begin // minute > 59 then hour increases
 tmp_minute <= 0;
 tmp_hour <= tmp_hour + 1;
 if(tmp_hour >= 24) begin // hour > 24 then set hour to 0
 tmp_hour <= 0;

 /******** Create 1-second clock****************/
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
 tmp_1s <= 0;
 clk_1s <= 0;
 else begin
 tmp_1s <= tmp_1s + 1;
 if(tmp_1s <= 5) 
 clk_1s <= 0;
 else if (tmp_1s >= 10) begin
 clk_1s <= 1;
 tmp_1s <= 1;
 clk_1s <= 1;
 /***OUTPUT OF THE CLOCK**********************/ 
 always @(*) begin

 if(tmp_hour>=20) begin
 c_hour1 = 2;
 else begin
 if(tmp_hour >=10) 
 c_hour1  = 1;
 c_hour1 = 0;
 c_hour0 = tmp_hour - c_hour1*10; 
 c_min1 = mod_10(tmp_minute); 
 c_min0 = tmp_minute - c_min1*10;
 c_sec1 = mod_10(tmp_second);
 c_sec0 = tmp_second - c_sec1*10; 
 // FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 assign H_out1 = c_hour1; // the most significant hour digit of the clock
 assign H_out0 = c_hour0; // the least significant hour digit of the clock
 assign M_out1 = c_min1; // the most significant minute digit of the clock
 assign M_out0 = c_min0; // the least significant minute digit of the clock
 assign S_out1 = c_sec1; // the most significant second digit of the clock
 assign S_out0 = c_sec0; // the least significant second digit of the clock 

 /******** Alarm function******************/
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 always @(posedge clk_1s or posedge reset) begin
 Alarm <=0; 
 else begin
 begin // if alarm time equals clock time, it will pulse high the Alarm signal with AL_ON=1
 if(AL_ON) Alarm <= 1; 
 if(STOP_al) Alarm <=0; // when STOP_al = 1, push low the Alarm signal

Testbench Verilog code for alarm clock:

module test;
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 // Inputs
 reg reset;
 reg clk;
 reg [1:0] H_in1;
 reg [3:0] H_in0;
 reg [3:0] M_in1;
 reg [3:0] M_in0;
 reg LD_time;
 reg LD_alarm;
 reg STOP_al;
 reg AL_ON;

 // Outputs
 wire Alarm;
 wire [1:0] H_out1;
 wire [3:0] H_out0;
 wire [3:0] M_out1;
 wire [3:0] M_out0;
 wire [3:0] S_out1;
 wire [3:0] S_out0;
// FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project
 // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
 aclock uut (
 // clock 10Hz
 initial begin 
  clk = 0;
  forever #50 clk = ~clk;
 initial begin
 // Initialize Inputs
 reset = 1;
 H_in1 = 1;
 H_in0 = 0;
 M_in1 = 1;
 M_in0 = 4;
 LD_time = 0;
 LD_alarm = 0;
 STOP_al = 0;
 AL_ON = 0; // set clock time to 11h26, alarm time to 00h00 when reset
 // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
      reset = 0;
 H_in1 = 1;
 H_in0 = 0;
 M_in1 = 2;
 M_in0 = 0;
 LD_time = 0;
 LD_alarm = 1;
 STOP_al = 0;
 AL_ON = 1; // turn on Alarm and set the alarm time to 11h30
 reset = 0;
 H_in1 = 1;
 H_in0 = 0;
 M_in1 = 2;
 M_in0 = 0;
 LD_time = 0;
 LD_alarm = 0;
 STOP_al = 0;
 AL_ON = 1; 
 wait(Alarm); // wait until Alarm signal is high when the alarm time equals clock time
 STOP_al = 1; // pulse high the STOP_al to push low the Alarm signal
 STOP_al = 0;
 H_in1 = 0;
 H_in0 = 4;
 M_in1 = 4;
 M_in0 = 5;
 LD_time = 1; // set clock time to 11h25
 LD_alarm = 0;
 STOP_al = 0;
 H_in1 = 0;
 H_in0 = 4;
 M_in1 = 5;
 M_in0 = 5;
 LD_alarm = 1; // set alarm time to 11h35
 LD_time = 0;
 wait(Alarm); // wait until Alarm signal is high when the alarm time equals clock time
 STOP_al = 1;// pulse high the STOP_al to push low the Alarm signal
 // FPGA projects, VHDL projects, Verilog project

This Verilog code for the alarm clock is simulated using Xilinx ISIM. Simulation waveform for the alarm clock is as follows: 

Verilog code for Alarm clock on FPGA
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16. Verilog code for Alarm Clock on FPGA
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FPGA Verilog VHDL courses


  1. Can this be implemented on a digilent FPGA Zedboard, would the display on the board work with this code?

  2. Of course. It can be implemented on any FPGA.

  3. how to assign pins to the FPGA de1 board? where to assign MINin, HRin and so on

  4. can this be implemented using Spartan 3an fpga kit

  5. There could be race condition for alarm, when both stop_al and al_on goes high at same time...please check and suggest


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