Floating point numbers in MIPS assembly is presented in this project.
A lot of FPGA/ Verilog/ VHDL are posted and today I want to post a MIPS assembly project. MIPS is a very common microprocessor being taught in many universities and there are a lot of FPGA/ Verilog/ VHDL projects on implementing MIPS processor based on a provided Instruction set. After the MIPS is implemented, we can program the MIPS by downloading the MIPS assembly code into the instruction memory.
This is a very simple MIPS Assembly code for students to play with floating point numbers. The simulator being used is Qtspim and for the instruction set of MIPS architecture, you can visit here. Users will enter eight floating point numbers and the program finds the minimum, maximum and average number of the entered floating point numbers.
The output console is as follows:
MIPS assembly code for floating point number operations:
.data buffer: .space 50 name: .asciiz "REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR NAME" enter_number: .asciiz "Enter your number: " number_out: .asciiz "Your numbers are: " newline: .asciiz "\n" blank: .asciiz " " max_print: .asciiz "The max is: " min_print:.asciiz "The min is: " av_print: .asciiz "The average is: " .text .globl main getvalues: # Name: getvalues # Input parameters: $a0, address of the array to store values # Return values: $v0 = the number of values input by the user # Description: This procedure will prompt the user to enter values and store them in an array. # All values given will be positive. The procedure will return once eight values have been entered # or if the user inputs a zero. The number of elements input (either 8 or less than 8) will be # returned in $v0. addi $t2,$a0,0 addi $t3,$a0,32 la $a0,name li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it la $a0,newline li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it loop_in: la $a0,enter_number li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it li $v0, 6 # read float syscall # do it mfc1 $t1, $f0 beq $t1,$zero,ret_fr_in sw $t1,0($t2) addi $t2,$t2,4 beq $t2,$t3,ret_fr_in j loop_in ret_fr_in: la $a0,buffer sub $t2,$t2,$a0 addi $t1,$zero,4 div $t2,$t1 mflo $t2 addi $v0,$t2,0 jr $ra # return, result is already in $v0 print: # Name: print # Input parameters: $a0, address of the array containing input values # $a1, the number of valid values in the array # Return values: none # Description: This procedure will print all valid elements entered by the user addi $t0,$a0,0 addi $t1,$zero,4 mult $a1,$t1 mflo $a1 add $t4,$a1,$a0 la $a0,number_out li $v0, 4 # print syscall # do it la $a0,newline li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it loop_print: lw $t1,0($t0) mtc1 $t1, $f12 li $v0, 2 # print float in $f12 syscall # do it la $a0,blank li $v0, 4 # print syscall # do it addi $t0,$t0,4 bne $t0,$t4,loop_print la $a0,newline li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it jr $ra # return max: # Name: max # Input parameters: $a0, address of the array containing input values # $a1, the number of valid values in the array # Return values: $f0 = the greatest element input # Description: This procedure will return the greatest value input by the user addi $t1,$a0,0 addi $t5,$zero,4 mult $a1,$t5 mflo $a1 add $t4,$a1,$a0 # $f0 = max lw $t0,0($t1) # max = a[0] mtc1 $t0,$f0 next_max: addi $t1,$t1,4 beq $t1,$t4,ret_fr_max lw $t0,0($t1) mtc1 $t0,$f1 c.le.s $f0, $f1 bc1t new_max nop j next_max ret_fr_max: jr $ra # return new_max: mov.s $f0, $f1 j next_max min: # Name: min # Input parameters: $a0, address of the array containing input values # $a1, the number of valid values in the array # Return values: $f0 = the smallest element input # Description: This procedure will return the smallest value input by the user addi $t1,$a0,0 addi $t5,$zero,4 mult $a1,$t5 mflo $a1 add $t4,$a1,$a0 # $f0 = min lw $t0,0($t1) # min = $f0 mtc1 $t0,$f0 next_min: addi $t1,$t1,4 beq $t1,$t4,ret_fr_min lw $t0,0($t1) mtc1 $t0,$f1 c.le.s $f1, $f0 bc1t new_min nop j next_min ret_fr_min: jr $ra # return new_min: mov.s $f0, $f1 j next_min average: # Name: average # Input parameters: $a0, address of the array containing input values # $a1, the number of valid values in the array # Return values: $f0 = the average of all elements input by the user # Description: This procedure will return the average of all elements input by the user. addi $t1,$a0,0 addi $t5,$zero,4 mult $a1,$t5 mflo $t6 add $t4,$t6,$a0 # $f0 = aver lw $t0,0($t1) # aver = $f0 mtc1 $t0,$f0 next_aver: addi $t1,$t1,4 beq $t1,$t4,ret_fr_aver lw $t0,0($t1) mtc1 $t0,$f1 add.s $f0,$f0,$f1 j next_aver ret_fr_aver: addi $t0,$a1,0 mtc1 $t0,$f1 cvt.s.w $f2, $f1 div.s $f0, $f0, $f2 jr $ra # return # MAIN PROGRAM main: la $a0, buffer jal getvalues la $a0, buffer addi $a1,$v0,0 addi $a2,$v0,0 jal print la $a0,max_print li $v0, 4 # print syscall # do it la $a0, buffer addi $a1,$a2,0 jal max mov.s $f12,$f0 li $v0,2 syscall # do it la $a0,newline li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it la $a0,min_print li $v0, 4 # print syscall # do it la $a0, buffer addi $a1,$a2,0 jal min mov.s $f12,$f0 li $v0,2 syscall # do it la $a0,newline li $v0, 4 # print string (address of string already in $a0) syscall # do it la $a0,av_print li $v0, 4 # print syscall # do it la $a0, buffer addi $a1,$a2,0 jal average mov.s $f12,$f0 li $v0,2 syscall # do it ori $v0, $zero, 10 #syscall will exit syscall #exit
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how to input 10 numbers?
ReplyDeleteTry to understand the code and you will figure it out how to increase the numbers being entered.
Deletei have error when i do run for this code
ReplyDeletein this statement in loop_in:
sw $t1,0($t2)
can you help me ?
Double check your program. The code was verified.